Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Recovering and overwhelmed..

We are adjusting to Mommy being sick and not doing everything. Mommy's head is still not right and we are a little upset. We are spending a lot of time bonding and being a small but loved family.

What has been amazing is the support and care from our Twitter friends. Our in-town friends haven't contacted us, but our twitter family has been so amazing. We continue to feel blessed to have so many friends.

One thing that keeps happening is Mommy hears the truck noise that hit us, and she crys and grabs ahold of me to hug me. I was safe in a crate and was not injured, but Mommy is having a few issues with it.

We are looking forward to moving forward and putting this behind this, we have a lot of stuff we need to get to.

For instance, Mommy has a bestest friend that makes animal clothes that is making me and some of my buddies tuxedos. She is really an awesome seamstress and Mommy loves her work. Now that she will take on BIG dogs, were are happy...

Our road trip is on hold because of the accident, Mommy wants to fly private to our destination, but I don't know if I have enough pawallowence to handle that. 

Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. Especially Rocco, Deuce & Maud, Rosie and Theo, JPep, and so many more.. we will be back in no time...


  1. MUAH!!!!! Get better!!! The noise trauma is so scary! But it shud get better wif tym. I ask my gwandma who a neuro nurse fur 20 yrs now and should subside. I know dat nawt help now but yoo are alive and could have been so much worse! We are lucky to know you!

    XO Deuce, Maud & Mom, Dad

  2. I feel for you and your family. We onc had an accident that didn't end as poorly as yours did, and I only had whiplash. But that noise of the truck smashing was so hard to get out of moms head. KC was unharmed in back of truck(luckily so since we had no crate). It's almost 10 yrs ago 9/11/2003 and I still am weary driving by the spot. I wish you peace, good health, and cleared painful memories so you can replace them with positive ones. Keep the strength amid your twitter family loves you. Wishing you well,
    Bex, Coach and Mom & Dad
