Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Years we are signing off for 2013!

In several hours we will welcome in 2014 and pray for all our fallen friends. Let's be grateful for what we have and move forward in the year.

We lost a lot of furry friends this year and we just can't quite stop thinking of them. The fur friends seem as real as the typists that post on Twitter. We know with no thumbs you cannot type, but we feel we are speaking right to the fur friend.

Closing out the year brings tears and joy. High hopes for next year, and sad memories behind us. We have made a few resolutions, and frankly do not want to share them for fear of jinxing them. One thing is certain, we are about change. Change is a coming as the song says.

Over the past few days our lives have shifted and we have had some sort of clarity bug hit us. We won't be as present on Twitter this coming year, and probably going to pull back more. The 5 or 6 we regularly speak with will always be in our thoughts.

We have declared this the year of Gunner and that is what we are going to do. We are entered in a few dog shows, planning on a few breedings and hopefully mending a few fences along the way.

The users and the takers are out in the trash today... Lets get 2014 rolling in a big way. Pray for the lost and hungry pets, adopt a shelter dog if you can, be kind to each other and share what you can, but reserve your best...

Much love...

Gunner McGuyver Frank Sinatra Frankie Valle Davis 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Keeping up with Gunner on Twitter....

So we did our sort of shout out to our peeps that we talk with, but we didn't get to get down to the nitty gritty of it all...

Our morning starts out with a retweet from Aunt Bea with a positive message from Zelda, we truly love those and the fact she remembers us every day.

Next we get our buddy FatDaddyBulldog, he has a morning greeting for everyone and even a chuckle or two about one of my zany posts. He keeps it clean and real. No F bombs or whatknots.. It's an Oh Da Woe kind of thing. We love it... and we thank him for our daily dose of keeping it real.

Dana Pixie hasn't missed a day of #pawprayers for our family since the accident, and we are truly grateful. She is a ray of light...

Next comes Henry and Collins, this is a comic book waiting to be written. They are the modern day Lassie and Timmy, and we truly love their interactions.

Our West Coast friends are waking and their fun begins. Oswald's Pack has a platter of bulldog fun and we love it.

My favorite bulldog Stalker is by far Sam the Artistic Bulldog. She has a kind word, a cool graphic and some mad shopping skills. We love our morning reminders of how cool she really is. Thanks for the magnificent bulldog creations and your vast talent in being a super human, with a slight stalker tendency (just of Rocco)...

We cannot skip past Deuce and Maud even though the bambino on board has sidelined their tricks a bit, Deuce is the Mayor and we bow to him.

Everyone knows my bestie is Rocco and his sisfur Lola is truly an angel from heaven. Not just saying that. Roc has a job now so he is busy but he still makes time for a chit chat when he is balls to the walls busy. We love him.

Renae and Charlie are great for inspiring Mom to remember the future of our country is in the youth and Renae is our youth.

Now the sexay womens.. oh yeah you fine girls I am not forgetting you. I would love for each of you to have my babies, but I am sure your pawrents do not approve of my crazy bat crazed Mom. BOL. So here it goes, Sophie, Zoey, Lucy, Bella, Marley, Lola, the other Lola, Maud the baud, SugarLump, Ella Mae (although I need a women that can cook) Winnie, GLove, Beckett my sweet, Becky, Izzy and Louise, Prissy J and so on and so on... I would love for you to be my girlfriend..

To the dudes; yes I have my danglies, but we can still hang out, I just show off cause my Lincoln and Douglas' are my trademark.

To the adults that are my Mom's friends, thanks very much. You all know who you are, and she keeps that stuff private from me. I can tell when she is talking to a bulldog friend's Mom, she spells things out. Well hint for you, I know when you start a word with P and it ends with resents I am getting a new toy, just saying...

Truly my Twitter friends have been a life saver to us. We were shut in during the Sinkhole situation, we couldn't have survived that time without you.

This coming year, Mom is back to work YEAHHHHHHHHHH more Bone Money for me... so our time online will be limited, but please don't forget us... We lub you all very very much.

G Man !

Christmas 2013 is now in the books... Here comes 2014...

Another chapter is about to close, we are putting 2013 to bed very soon. This  has been a very interesting year filled with Love, Laughter, Fear, Pain, Heartbreak and good friends.

Through it all we could always turn to our friends and smile. We thank you. We have made new friends, renewed old friendships, lost a few and hopefully tried really hard to be a good friend.

We have hopes and dreams for 2014. Maybe be a little more private, slink back into the woodwork and enjoy ourselves. We have enough love in our house to make it a happy place.

As 2014 comes around, I want to say a special word or two for my Twitter friends.

To Rocco and Lola's family; Your generosity and love for Lola was simply heartwarming. You put your lives to the back burner and just loved, and we admire that.

To Theo and Rosie's family, Thank you for being a spark of smiles with your instagram videos. Supporting our crazy ways and being a great bulldog family.

To the late night bunch who constantly keep me in stitches, I won't blow your cover here but you all keep me laughing and feeling young... Thank you!

Thor, Sophie, Zoey, Henry Ford, Deuce, Mr Chips, Beauregard, Mandy, Aunt LizBee, Sam the stalker, Liz and Bogart, Jane, Jodi, Anna, Oswalds Pack, OMD I need a new blog list for all these, maybe I will do that... so for now, you guys make our bulldog heart swell... 

To everyone on the Christmas card list. OH MY GOSH... You made our holiday so glorious, the cards that came in truly made us feel like a million bucks.

I would mail you out a personal letter but you know my Mom is still fighting with the post office...BOL...

Raise your water bowl to 2014 bringing us a huge bunch of fun and love...

Gunner McGuyver Frank Sinatra Franki Valle Davis... 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

We are snuggling together talking about life and love. My Mom and I are really close, I luff her and she luff's me. We are a team. Tonight we will celebrate our life together in a small celebration, then Mommy will go to Midnight Mass while I stay home and MAN the cookie containers.

We are very grateful for our lives, our love and the friendships we have. It's been a tough year but we are strong and have survived. Many thanks to the friends that have been there for us.

Our Twitter friends are more like family. When one has an issue, we all do. Naturally we are closer to some over others, it's natural. We have met many in real life and loved every minute of it. I am ok with the fact that my Mom is crazy about Theo and my Dad thinks Rosie is the diggity bomb.

We have talked to so many friends over the time, we sort of know when someone needs a little hug or a paw circle.

Ella Mae's Mom is local and came out to meet us at a meetup group outing, that was really nice putting a face with a name.

We have even talked on the phone with a Boston Terrier... it was really interesting, do you know they have an accent??? BOL....

Everyone knows Roc Deuce Henry Ford Bogart Thor Coach Beauregard Mr Chips and Theo are my home boys; they make me smile each and every day. Can't forget the sweet ladies either, wowza how beautibull are they... Sophie, Zoey, Marley, SugarLump, Maud the Baud, Lola Ella Mae Beckett Becky Rosie you darling girl, and so so many more.

Special thanks for all the lovely Christmas cards! This has been a joyous year filled with a little hiccup or two.

To the non doggie people you are so special to us, we luff you too!

We are not just Bulldog people, we are animal lovers and hope each and everyone of you have a very nice holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May Santa Paws bring you a nice bag of prezzies and the Mommies diamonds... Hint hint...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas is coming...

The trees are all up, the train sets are strategically placed, not saying anything about those trains right now, just know that I love love love my Daddy.LOL...

Santa Paws is due in six days and I am busy making prizes for him. Mommy bought beer and bourbon, we are not sure which he prefers so we are trying to cover our bases.

This year we asked Santa Paws to hold our prezzies and just bless Lola our friend with good health. She is a sweet heart of a girl and has had a rough way to go. While I sit in my comfy chair, I never had to experience what she has in her life. She is now in a home that loves her so much, and is blessed with that, but has a few hiccups here and there with her health.

Let us all remember the reason we celebrate this holiday, whichever religion you are. Please say a prayer, a quiet thought, a good vibe, a zen aura, a white light around her, that my friend, and Jackson's girlfriend champions this next hurdle as she has in the past.

Merry Christmas to my friends and Happy Holiday to my other friends. Let's come together for Peace and Love and Happiness.

Big G!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What is Christmas to me the head dog at the Gunner Manor

Christmas to me here at my house is many things. One it is gratitude for the love and life I have.

Next is the wonderful twitter friends :::: waving:::: Hi Ella Mae over here, we are practically neighbors, and Theo and Rosie; we are not far from them either. We cannot wait for our next meetup with them.

Continuing on... Christmas here at the Gunner abode is a house filled with decorations and trees. With food, fun, love the celebration of Christ's birthday.

We are donating to the other doggies that aren't as lucky as we are, we are buying gifts for our friends to show a little appreciation of our love for them, and we are sending out personalized cards to our 500000000 friends. 

As we move on, the clothes are properly washed and pressed for each event we are attending, the hostess gifts are carefully selected and wrapped, we are ready to kick our version of 12 days of Christmas off.

As the Christian story goes about Jesus and the celebration of his birth, we are celebrating that we are here on earth, have each other, giving Thanks for the reason for the season and not getting preachy.

While it is a very religious holiday for the Christian believers, we cannot forget our non-Christian friends. We do not want to over-do and cause them to feel anything uncomfortable.

May each of you who read this know you are very important to me and that I am glad we met. Have peace and joy in your heart and a Merry Christmas.

The Gunner Manor will proudly display one single blue in the window for our fallen Law Enforcement brothers and sisters, we will proudly shine our blue light.

Please consider a moment of Thanks for our Military men and women that are away from families fighting for our freedoms. While the hot chocolate and cookies are being served, remember one that will be missing from their family.

With many thanks, we are sending love from my Manor to yours!!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lola the Bulldog needs a little more help please!!!!!

Lola was rescued by her foster family in September from a kill shelter. Her previous companion passed away and the family dropped her at the shelter. She had severe dry eye, yeast infections in face and tail, double ear infection, a hernia, and at least 8 mammary tumors. 

Her foster family nursed her through the major surgery the repaired all of these items. The vet could only remove 1 of her mammary chains during the first surgery. They were able to take out the tumors that were present on the opposite side as well but not the whole chain. One of her tumors were sent out for biopsy and the results were not good. They were confident that all the masses were removed but were nervous that some could come back on the side that still had mammary tissue. 

This scenario played out as Lola shows 3 more small tumors 1 month after her first surgery. She will need another mastectomy to remove the tumors and remaining mammary tissue in hopes that she will not get any more tumors. Although Lola is a 8 year old girl she has a new life ahead of her with her foster/forever family. She shows no signs of discomfort and is enjoying the princess lifestyle she is now accustomed too. Thank you for all of your help! 

Donate to Lola the Bulldog    <*******This is her direct link!!!

Hello from Gunner: Each and every year we adopt a family or two for the holidays. However last year our adoption families turned out to be very disappointing and heartbreaking. They were professional "receivers from multiple sources"   

In this world their are not many guarantees, but one I can stake my life on this one, the money raised for Lola is strictly for Lola. It goes to the vet care for her. The foster/adoption family has spent a lot of resources on her and it's hard right now with the costs. One more surgery is all I am asking for. Any amount helps. Please consider adopting Lola for Christmas. 

Everyone who donates, their name goes into a hat and when we reach enough money for the surgery and recovery costs, we are going to have a drawing for some very cool gifts. Gift cards to PetsMart, Starbucks, Dog Products, Fancy gift packs and more... Even a quilt included. !!!! 

 Much love and happiness for our friends!!!! 

A little fun true story that will make an animal person giggle.

Everyone who breaths and knows my Mommy knows she is very much in love with me and most animals. She is a huge animal advocate (not weirdo). From the tender age of teenager she volunteered with the Clearwater Marine Science Center when it first opened. (Now called Clearwater Marine Aquarium where Winter the Dolphin movies are shot).

We are redecorating a few rooms. (Once she stops freaking out we will reschedule our kitchen remodel, but it's down the road)...

Ok the funny part.  We call 4 decorators to come over and give us a bid. 1-3 are clueless, but number 4 took the cake...

Fourth comes and says ... a dog with his own room, that is unique, and I sort of understand it. Draws out a plan and emails back to my Mom with a list of questions. She says the questions are a necessary evil and I need the dog to answer these...I kid you not....

1. Why do you want to decorate this room?  Answer:  Me needs an uplifting room to play in.

2. How much time does your animal spend in here? Answer: I'm the BABY and spend a fair amount of time in here, more if me is naughty. 

3. What special effects can I offer? Answer: a retractable door to the treat closet would be great.

4.  How much square feet is devoted strictly to sleeping? Answer: Seriously I am a bulldog, me sleeps everywhere.

5.  Do you plan to entertain overnight guests in this room? Answer: DUDE seriously I get to bring womens home?

6. What is the budget for this room? Answer:  I got six bones for this project.

7. Do you need any built-ins that are not figured in the square footage of this room? Answer: I don't have thumbs, but I think you need to count everything in the room under square footage.

8. Can you relocate while the decorating is being done? Answer: Sweeeeet I can bunk with my Mom, sure no problem.

9. If there are conflicts in design plans, can we have a mediator in your household. Answer: I'm a bulldog and I kind of think it's my way or the highway.

10. How soon can we expect to start this project with a signed contract? Answer: As soon as you realize you have just sent a BULLDOG a questionnaire who has NO thumbs to sign... \

So we weren't sure how she would respond because I think these are sort of standard questions. But my Mom was in a goofy mood and pretty tired of explaining her love of bulldogs. Her design wishes are not that complicated.

No response yet, but I cannot wait to see what she writes. We have moved on and have our own design going, who needs to have weirdos judging my Man cave...BOL.....

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cyber Monday have you curious? Check out my friends below...

Need a perfect card that say's Bulldog love? In honor of cyber Monday, please think about visiting the links on the side of my blog ------- over there ------------------------->

Rocco's dad has a beautiful collection of cards that would be an awesome Christmas Present for someone who loves the bulldogs.

How about some photography, are you in the Ohio or surrounding area, check him out. I guarantee he won't leave you hanging for photo's.

Next up, professional drawings of your bulldog or any kind of animal. Check out our resident Artist of Artistic Bulldog ------------------->

In the mood for a little holiday clothing, please see our favorite Boston's collection....

Have a little foofoo dog you want to dress up to make it cooler than cool, please visit Sherry's Pet things...------------------------------>

Please let them know you saw it here, but let's spend a little for a good cause.