Monday, April 28, 2014

Why do bulldogs stick together for play time?

We get this question a lot and the simple answer is because we trust our own breed more than others.

When I was a pup at about 4 months old, I was at a dog meetup, I was a little small and a beagle kept coming up to me and barking at me, this was odd to me, and then growled. If it weren't for my Mom's favorite nephew at the time, I would have been mince meat. He scooped me up before I got eaten alive. I was so scared I never wanted to go back again.

One thing other breeds do not understand is, we have to be close to smell. Hello our noses are pushed in so far, and we are short to the ground and some (not pointing any paws here) are a bit robust and can't move very quick. So we get up to another dog and sniff and don't really move away fast.

This is not ok with some breeds. For instance the miniture mouthy Neapolitan types. They can tell we are bigger and more handsome and they freak out. God was not kind to those "bless your heart cute dogs"... Then the big ones, you know the type, they have no balls but they have all the mouth in the South and want to pick on the little guy.

Our lips (flu-gulls)  are attractive and easy to grip on to. Our necks are easy marks because some are more rolly polly than others.

Several of my friends have been bitten recently, and all I can say is I am sorry other dogs are jerks, but beyond that, the OWNERS SUCK!! 

If you have an aggressive dog it is your responsibility to control it and not take it to vulnerable places, ie. dog parks unattended. Get a clue !

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Party time on Twitter National Bulldogs are Beautiful Day~

National Bulldogs are Beautiful Day

Sign on to Twitter at 9:00 p.m. for fun and games! Use hashtag #BulldogsAreBeautiful


When Celebrated

Always on April 28th   WE ARE CELEBRATING APRIL 26TH~~ 9:00 p.m. est.

About the Holiday

National Bulldogs are Beautiful Day is a day to recognize the beauty of this portly animal. It also celebrates differences. Whether you are short, tall, big or small, it is our difference that make us unique. On this day we should look within ourselves and how we treat others that we think are not attractive. Celebrate the beauty and value in all creatures.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easter for Bulldogs

The word around the cottage is we are having an Easter Egg Hunt for 4 legged friends. I saw some brightly colored eggs and bones going in them. This Easter Bunny has me very excited. I see a basket of with toys and things. I hope it's for me!

We are having our traditional Easter Brunch and then dinner. We invite our friends who generally do not have a place to go for Easter and we share our food and my sweet lovable cheeks for kissing.  Mommy generally cooks for days and the house becomes a bunny hutch.

This year I am inviting my doggie friends over and hoping to have a GREAT time. On Easter morning Mommy will go to Mass very very early, so early that Daddy and I will still be sleeping. Then she will come home and the food buffet will begin.

What are your plans for Easter? Does the Easter Bunny bring you gifts and things?

Hippity Hoppity Easter to you all !



Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tampa Bay Area Bulldog Meetup Group celebrates Happy Easter

Hey Everyone join the party. We are having special treat bags and fun Easter things for all our friends. We have a special guest Mrs. Linda Oresto is going to attend Bulldog Expert. She is an AKC Breeder of Merit and very knowledgeable. Many locals have purchased from her, however, for those who haven't you might want to get to know her.

RSVP at the

Bulldog Buddies Tampa Bay Area 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday fun day with the family.

Today both parents decided they wanted to spend time with me. What's a bulldog to do but con them both into new toys and treats. I worked them like a well oiled sewing machine.

We took a ride in the hotrod car, Dad thinks people like the car, it's totally me that they are looking at. Mom thinks I am such a baby that she has to do everything for me, NOT. I actually think that, she thinks its time I get a fulltime job. #notetoMomNOWay.

We had a family lunch and then I got to go to the fancy schmancy dog store. You know the ones that have frozen special treats. It was totally my idea to go there, but I heard Mom saying she was taking me there because I have been such a sweet boy.

The pawrents bought me Dog Gelato. Dad said my pawallowence was being double dipped. My tiny dog 1/2 pint was 13.00 bones. Yikes, I need to save my money for my women's...

So after all that fun we picked out a few prezzies for my girls. You know, I have a small circle of ladies down at the Twitter Saloon. My first girlfriend Maud, Sugarlump my special lady, LadyBeckett the girl of danger, Miss Lola my sweet crush and then you know, I lust after so many others... I hear the Easter Bulldog is coming this year. So we made some homemade cards and I pawed them for sending.

Lastly we had yard duty. that was fun. I sat inside barking at the equipment, and then I went outside and pee'd on the neighbor's Mom. I say this was a fun and complete day.

Happy Saturday everyone...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Bulldog gone bad or is it the owner????

Today while making that tough decision about the feline we foster, we were contacted about a bulldog that was at A shelter. The person was in the waiting room to have the dog surrendered. This shelter person called Mommy because we are on the contact list with some shelters. The owner was there to turn the dog over because it had a behavior issue. On first glance it appeared as if the dog was injured and on second glance it appeared as if the dog was sick.

Because we have Rufus Rascals and a few vets on Angel accounts, our shelter worker in another County wanted to see if I had any experience or knowledge to this person. I believe she thinks all bulldog people live in one neighborhood.

Facts are sketchy, with one HUGE exception. Owner called her friend she knows that has a bulldog, said friend gave all kinds of hugs and kisses and reassurance and said put it DOWN. Now I won't lie and say maybe that is the answer in many cases, but said friend Suzy Q is not your expert.

When dogs fight or aggressive ask your vet, ask your expert, but please don't ask the friend with the hyper smiles and kisses. You see, this dog was just about to be put down.

We saved the dog, took him to a vet and had the behavior specialist eval the dog. Turns out dog was not aggressive dog was SICK.

Please folks... I will share my home remedies that I use on Gunner, but never will I attempt to solve your behavior issues. While I have had horses since the age of 3 and shown dogs for a very long time, there are limitations.

Foster dog is now adjusting and I will follow him, I am hoping for a complete turn around...

The bulldog life...

First I want to apologize to my twitter folks for my random tweet that was out of control. Second I want to share a few things we have learned, especially since they say "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"..

Did you know you can be signed on to your twitter account on your ibone and a computer and an ipad at the same time. Did you know that your tweets are searchable on Google? And did you know that if you are really sophisticated (which all Bulldogs and Bulldog friends are) unless you use the privacy features, all your friends info is capturable.

Second lesson... Having a caregiver for your animal. It is VERY important that they do as you say, not as they wish. For instance, other than my VET giving me chocolate, small peanut m&m once or twice, it is NEVER ok to give licks of chocolate when the Mom says no.

Third lesson... Have a secondary Vet on speed dial. We travel a distance for our vet and the vet specialist, but sometimes you need a quick is this a bad thing. As Hurricane season approaches, yes I know the snow isn't even melted, it's important for the southern part of the world to remember preparations... This is going to be a NASTY summer, the Farmer's Almanac says so.

Fourth lesson... All bulldogs are not created equally. It's important to have that "expert" to sound off to. That expert is a reputable breeder that is recognized. While my Mommy has experience in animals large and small, she would never pretend to be an expert. She consults with experts. If you have a behavior issue, SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP. University of Pennsylvania has a department  you can consult with, the fee is very reasonable. My first line of experts are two Bulldog Breeders in the Bulldog Hall of Fame. Second comes UofP.

Last lesson, the question never asked is the one that burns a hole in your head...

The next post will address the fourth lesson and why it's important to know the difference in an expert and a fellow owner...

Happy Bulldogging...