Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Toy Tuesday

Back when I first brought Gunner home for good to my house I started a little thing I called New Toy Tuesday. We would go to the pet-store and get new toys. It was something we looked forward to. The local store close to us, let us come in on Tuesday 15 minutes before they opened so Gunner could pick out toys. We did this because he was not yet 16 weeks and feared him around the other dogs. The ladies and gents in the store would ask to carry him around while we picked out toys. Ahem, where are they now carrying his large buttocks around... haha.

We still do New Toy Tuesday but we buy one for one. One for Gunner, and one for either a rescue or an organization.

Recently, I received a direct message from a twitter person saying I didn't need to boast or brag about buying my dogs toys on a certain day, and while I was at it, stop taking so many pictures. At first I was taken back by it, and I stopped talking about it. But it's a new day and I am not ashamed that I buy my dog 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bazillion toys or take his picture all the time. As a matter of fact I love this little man more than life itself and I don't care who knows it.

So I am posting it here first and then it will post on twitter. To those who think I am obsessive with Gunner, you are incorrect for just thinking it...

Happy Tails...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

On the mend and Gunner is too...

Today was day one of physical therapy and it was the first day I was away from Gunner for any long period of time.

The physical therapist was really awesome, and had a great sense of humor. I did ask if I could bring my dog because I felt he needed a little "physical therapy"... he politely said lady... this isn't a stud farm. I thought it was funny and laughed...

When I left this morning, I had no idea it would take me away from Gunner for almost six (6) hours. I just haven't left him for that long.  Then, I had to go to the vet to get his heart worm medication. Back to the scene of the crime so to speak. The accident was just down the road from the Vet.

We took a different route and I sat on pins and needles the whole time. I was a mess. I hope I get over that soon. Maybe I can see if the vet makes house calls... (wishful thinking).

We returned home and Gunner was really excited to see me, (not so much he was napping) but I would like to think the six hour separation affected him as much as it did me. No dice. He was just looking for a little what's in your purse action and then went back to sleep. I think my baby is over me.

Tomorrow is a new day with new therapies, but one thing is for sure, the best therapy is coming home to my push face baby and getting kisses, all my pains go away.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Businesses we are loving !!!

First of all, do you need a picture taken that is absolutely spectacular? A photographer that is Bulldog savvy. You know, some wrinkles don't have to show... Check out this photographer...

After he takes your picture's why not have them drawn by an artist. Check out such a talented artist.

Need some clothes for your dog? Please check out Sherry's Pet Stuff. She is in the process of making me a new tuxedo. Awesome workmanship and a real nice person.  Sherry's Pet Stuff

 Need a little fun stuff? Check out this  very nice stuff. Mommy loves the cupcakes.

Mommy is going to change the blog around so there isn't advertising on it so much, except for the ones she wants.

Please visit these vendors for great products.

Should we get a new puppy?

We have wanted another puppy for a while. Gunner needs to have a buddy. He only has us to play with other than the meetups. He gets a long good with other dogs at the meetups and has 2 step sisters from another mister that are Australian Shepherds. However, they are not that playful with him. When he was a baby he would jump up on them, they weren't impressed but they are older. He didn't understand why they didn't want to play with him.  They are a friend of ours dogs and didn't live with us, so it was different.

It feels like Gunner should have a pal. However, I sincerely struggle with this. If I hold another dog, or touch another dog he gets mad. If I come home smelling of another dog, he gives me the once over and then ignores me for a little while.

The search for another puppy has been exhausting. I found one I really want, but with the accident I cannot make the trip right now. My traveling has been put on hold until later August time. I have seen some of the cutest puppies and some of the not as cute. I want another boy, I am not good with female dogs, but it seems that it would behoove me to own my own female for breeding. We all know how that will end up, I will be the crazy bulldog lady with a litter of puppies that won't sell them or place them. I will name them, get attached to them and have to move to a farm because in my little city we can only have four (4) animals I believe. Not ready for the country life yet, I have city life to live a little longer.

What to do... either way, Gunner's getting a play pal, I just wish I could do it now...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Gunner and Mommy update

Having an accident seems so minor until all the details start rolling in. Insurance forms, doctors appointments, rental car, physical therapy, still having double vision,  blah blah blah. Did I mention our world is upside down?

We had a road trip for Gunner planned, we were going to stop and see some of his bulldog buddies along the way. Lot's of planning has taken place, finding dog friendly hotels (preferably with room service thank you) mapping out routes that would allow for stopping with a dog, and not pushing him to hard.

We are so unsettled, but we have to keep Gunner's social life going, so we are trying to put the pieces back together. We are on a mission to keep life as normal as possible.

Thanks to all who read us and keep us in your prayers, we are doing well considering!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Holy Batcave Twitter is down...

OMD (oh my dog) Twitter is down and how does one survive. I have people's to talk to, pictures to post, and I get the screen that says SOMETHING IS WRONG... I feel like saying NO SHIT but my Mommy doesn't let me swear and I don't have any pawallowance left because I sent my two besties some gifts cause I lub them.

No swearing is going to kill me, because I have a gurl on Twitter I am sweet on and I have a sexay new pose to show her. NOW ... some other dude is macking my time. Oh yeah, Bulldogs are one fine specimen of bulk and wrinkles, not enough gurls to go around.

What to do... OMD I will have to play stupid fetch with the neighbor who may or may not remind me of Charles Manson, with the exception he doesn't really kill stuff, just has a tattoo across is head that says F everyone... Yeah we bees livin in da hood I tell ya. (ok he doesn't have a tattoo but he should)...

So I anxiously hit the twitter button Mom put on da puter for me and NOTHING, NOFFING. Did you hear that, I am missing my buddies, come on, fix the thing.

I need to see if Maud eats the birds, or if Rocco burys his bones in Harpers mouth to make her stop crying, or if Bogart is still on watch for Morgan. Come on twitter I bees bored and it's taking a toll on my life. I am not even worried about #newtoyTuesday, which for the record I know I have a BIG bag of toys she is hiding...

Is it on, please say it is... hold one moment while I check. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. It's still down. Someone better send bail money, I am going in big to swear ....

Paw friends are important.

Gunner and I became a family in 2012. I had a lot of hopes about our lives together. We would lay on the couch and watch tv, he would nestle in my arms and snore softly. We would have all kinds of fun times.

Well it didn't work out that way, but what did happen was #pawfriends. We signed up for twitter to tell the world we were having fun, and in return we received more fun and friendships than you can imagine. Twitter is our friend, and our #pawfriends are really important to us. Not because of the accident, but because we can share our hopes, dreams, funny things, sicknesses, births, deaths, and above-all we are a wrinkly mess and it's ok.

Rocco from Cincy introduced to us to the webcam, WOW. Deuce and Maud introduced us to room-service.. DOUBLE WOW. Theo and Rosie introduced us to the Bowl Olympics and met in real time, which was cool. Just mentioning some of these #pawfriends but there are others, way more that complete this circle, we just love them. We check on to see how each are doing, we get tips and travel ideas. We have even decided to still keep our road trip alive, just be extra careful traveling.

In summary, yes the 2 legged kid playdates are the bomb, but this twitter for 4 leggies is quite the happening place, our #pawfriends are the bestest! Couldn't do it without them.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Happy Sunday with Gunner

Our energy level isn't what is usually on Sundays, but Gunner is gearing up for a bath. While most dogs freak out, he jumps in the shower and waits for it.

Today we are just trying to take it easy, but some BULLDOG doesn't want to relax in this heat. He wants to go go go.

I am wondering if life as a bulldog isn't the best thing on earth. He gets his breakfast and dinner brought to him, he has constant kisses and hugs, and scratches where ever he wants it. He gets to watch his favorite tv shows and other than the driving him around part, his life is great...

Happy bathing to you, and cross your paws we don't soak the floor...

Friday, July 19, 2013

Gunner and me...

Several years ago, I saw and fell in love with a bulldog that was in our Dog club, but I just didnt have the time for a puppy that needed that much work. The breeder I knew wasn't very friendly or would never take the time to teach me about Bulldogs.

Fast forward to a year or so ago. My nephew loved bulldogs and wanted one. I began doing research. I knew they were a lot of work but ohhhh so cute. I found one, and put a deposit on it. Turned out to not be a 100% bulldog. BLAH. I was not happy and didn't get my money back. On to the next one, similar, but this time I only lost 100.00... And the nephews fiance' just got a new dog so they werent in the market for another dog.

As I kept looking and watching Ice Loves Coco, I knew I had to have one. I was at home now, no time restraints, and I could spend the rest of my time with a puppy... so I thought.
When I saw Gunner, I knew he was mine. I loved him the moment I saw him. We put a deposit on him, and later that day I was told I couldn't have him at my rental house. I was devastated. I called the breeder who agreed to rip up my deposit. Wow I was heartsick. I never cried like this before. My sister called the breeder and said please don't sell him, my sister will call you in the morning and buy him, we will work it out.

The next morning I called and they asked me if I was sure, I said yes. The day we picked him up I had to leave out of town, so my sister had planned to watch him. When I got home, the plans I had to keep him, went to hell and a hand basket. My nephew said he would take him. I was devastated and just didn't know how I could live without this baby. I would go weekly and see him, take him to the vet for his shots, get his food and then take him back. I felt like a grandparent. I was still going to show him, but he was living with someone else.

Three weeks later, I get a freaked out call from the fiance' saying their apartment complex said they were going to come in and take Gunner because he was not on the lease. Without going through the legalities, I jumped in my car and picked him up. I cried all the way there, I knew we were meant to be a family and I was bringing him home. Rental or no rental. I was in the process of buying my house and I was up against it... but he was coming with me...

I went back to my rental, had a discussion with my landlord, he agreed to let me have Gunner and I agreed to let him live... that simple, Gunner came first.

Our time together has been funny, amazing, sad, scary, frustrating, loving, painful, emotional roller-coaster, happy, cherished and loved... Gunner is my baby, everyone knows it, and he knows it. I find him the most endearing animal that has ever lived. He knows me, my movements, my moods, my tone and my smile. I know the same about him. I live for my Gunner and make my life decisions based on him. He gives me unconditional love and I try to give back to him a smidgen of the love he shows me daily. Never a bad mood, always a kiss for me, and each and every night, we kiss goodnight, if I am not home, we either skype or I call and sing him a goodnight song.

That's our story.. We are a real family... Gunner and I...awwww

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Keeping animals cool in the summer by

Recovering and overwhelmed..

We are adjusting to Mommy being sick and not doing everything. Mommy's head is still not right and we are a little upset. We are spending a lot of time bonding and being a small but loved family.

What has been amazing is the support and care from our Twitter friends. Our in-town friends haven't contacted us, but our twitter family has been so amazing. We continue to feel blessed to have so many friends.

One thing that keeps happening is Mommy hears the truck noise that hit us, and she crys and grabs ahold of me to hug me. I was safe in a crate and was not injured, but Mommy is having a few issues with it.

We are looking forward to moving forward and putting this behind this, we have a lot of stuff we need to get to.

For instance, Mommy has a bestest friend that makes animal clothes that is making me and some of my buddies tuxedos. She is really an awesome seamstress and Mommy loves her work. Now that she will take on BIG dogs, were are happy...

Our road trip is on hold because of the accident, Mommy wants to fly private to our destination, but I don't know if I have enough pawallowence to handle that. 

Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. Especially Rocco, Deuce & Maud, Rosie and Theo, JPep, and so many more.. we will be back in no time...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Car Accident and friendships

Today, we headed to Gunner's vet in Plant City for a shot. After our visit, we headed back to come home and were hit from behind by a truck. We had just gone through the green light and a car and truck were stopped in front of us for a garbage truck, so we stopped. Then they begin to move and we started out with them when we were hit by a truck that didn't notice the trucks that had been stopped, our truck or the fact that well there was a truck in front of him, US.  After the impact he came around us and darted to the back of the auto parts place, and my natural instinct was he was fleeing, I looked at Gunner who didn't seem fazed, and said go to where he is. I was not driving, THANK GOD.

We approached the truck and he wouldn't get out of the truck. I was honestly too concerned about Gunner to really care. When we travel with Gunner, he is crated. We have an extended cab new truck and he is in his crate that is tethered down so he doesn't get slung around (INSIDE THE TRUCK). This time it was a life saver. I took the brunt of the injuries, and that was ok with me, at least it wasn't Gunner or his Dad. At first, Gunner wouldn't move from the crate, and I was scared. I reached out to Gunner and my Twitter friends, I needed some prayers, I didn't know what to think. I was the most scared I have ever been.

What was so surreal was the treatment we received. I immediately called the vet to see if I could walk Gunner back to be checked and they told me no, stay put we will come get you. I couldn't let them do that, but the offer brought tears to my eyes. The trooper called fire rescue for me, and they wanted to take me to the hospital, I said what about my dog, they said "it's a dog" he can't come. I said no thank you, I will be fine. I didn't do that for attention or to be difficult, I did it because I cannot leave my dog. After we were dismissed by the police, we went to the vet and had Gunner checked. He was fine, a little shook up because Mommy was crying a bit, but he was fine. I had someone meet us at the vets so we could get Gunner to a safe place and let him rest.

While we were in transport the tweets we received from our twitter family and friends was over-whelming. We were touched by all the love and support, it made me feel I could handle anything we were facing.

Our vet staff was amazing, called me a few times to make sure we were ok, the twitter friends were remarkable and overwhelming, several offers of help to take Gunner while I was healing, TRULY awesome.

Once at the hospital, I didn't care what happened, I knew we were going to be ok. I have some bumps and sprains, a concussion and some sort of swelling they can't figure out. I will be fine because my baby Gunner is fine. I can heal, but the thought of him being hurt makes me cry like a baby.

Thank you so much for all your love and support. Our damages to our 2013 truck is quite significant, but the reality is we are here and we are grateful.

Love Gunner, Mommy and Daddy!