Sunday, July 12, 2015

Bulldog problems...

Being a bulldog presents many problems some aren't aware of, especially living in Florida. The heat is the biggest issue, weather has a way of dictating what we can and cannot do.

Our outside adventures are generally held during October-March. On occasion, if we can arrange all the parameters just so, we get to seek adventure during the very hot months.

Air Conditioning - Check
Back up plan of Air Conditioning - Check
Vet on call - Check
Short distance from Air Conditioning - Check
Back up plans in case first plans do not pan out - Check

After this is checked and rechecked, the thrill of spontaneous travel has left the building. Just jumping in the car to do whatever isn't an option.

Also, most of our friends here in Florida are being encouraged to get the Flu shot, the Bordotella vaccine and pretty sure we are cautioned not to travel out of state.

Fleas use to be the worry, but Ticks took over, and now it's the strain of a virus that we just can't escape. Our newest friend Max; he is an Ole English Bully was at the vet for his boosters and he came out with flu shot, bordotella, and a stern talking to about visiting other dogs until he was now six months old.

The other issue is the groomer. It has been mostly about our kin folk the Frenchy, but some English Bulldog's have had their experiences too. Going to the groomer and making sure your animal is carefully cared for is a chore in it self. All the questions you ask, all the checking and surprise visits...

How cool temp wise is the shop? Do you use a collar restraint ? Do you use a boxed Dryer? Do you use a sling for the dog for nail clipping? How do you handle an unhappy dog? What do you do for a over clipped nail?  How do you separate the dogs? Is your back area secure for escapees? The list goes on and on...

Our skin is sensitive, our noses are sensitive, our owners are sensitive! We can't just chew anything, it's not good for us. Our toys have to be monitored.

Mind you, my human wouldn't trade us for the world, but she would like to point this out to prospective buyers. While we look cute and cuddly, the issues are real. VERY real....

Our life in Florida is ok, we are not doing too badly. We are grateful for our Veterinarians that keep us healthy and treat us better than some of our friends in other states. Just know all these wrinkles of love come at a price, not a economic price all the time...


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