Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013 is now in the books... Here comes 2014...

Another chapter is about to close, we are putting 2013 to bed very soon. This  has been a very interesting year filled with Love, Laughter, Fear, Pain, Heartbreak and good friends.

Through it all we could always turn to our friends and smile. We thank you. We have made new friends, renewed old friendships, lost a few and hopefully tried really hard to be a good friend.

We have hopes and dreams for 2014. Maybe be a little more private, slink back into the woodwork and enjoy ourselves. We have enough love in our house to make it a happy place.

As 2014 comes around, I want to say a special word or two for my Twitter friends.

To Rocco and Lola's family; Your generosity and love for Lola was simply heartwarming. You put your lives to the back burner and just loved, and we admire that.

To Theo and Rosie's family, Thank you for being a spark of smiles with your instagram videos. Supporting our crazy ways and being a great bulldog family.

To the late night bunch who constantly keep me in stitches, I won't blow your cover here but you all keep me laughing and feeling young... Thank you!

Thor, Sophie, Zoey, Henry Ford, Deuce, Mr Chips, Beauregard, Mandy, Aunt LizBee, Sam the stalker, Liz and Bogart, Jane, Jodi, Anna, Oswalds Pack, OMD I need a new blog list for all these, maybe I will do that... so for now, you guys make our bulldog heart swell... 

To everyone on the Christmas card list. OH MY GOSH... You made our holiday so glorious, the cards that came in truly made us feel like a million bucks.

I would mail you out a personal letter but you know my Mom is still fighting with the post office...BOL...

Raise your water bowl to 2014 bringing us a huge bunch of fun and love...

Gunner McGuyver Frank Sinatra Franki Valle Davis... 

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