Monday, December 2, 2013

A little fun true story that will make an animal person giggle.

Everyone who breaths and knows my Mommy knows she is very much in love with me and most animals. She is a huge animal advocate (not weirdo). From the tender age of teenager she volunteered with the Clearwater Marine Science Center when it first opened. (Now called Clearwater Marine Aquarium where Winter the Dolphin movies are shot).

We are redecorating a few rooms. (Once she stops freaking out we will reschedule our kitchen remodel, but it's down the road)...

Ok the funny part.  We call 4 decorators to come over and give us a bid. 1-3 are clueless, but number 4 took the cake...

Fourth comes and says ... a dog with his own room, that is unique, and I sort of understand it. Draws out a plan and emails back to my Mom with a list of questions. She says the questions are a necessary evil and I need the dog to answer these...I kid you not....

1. Why do you want to decorate this room?  Answer:  Me needs an uplifting room to play in.

2. How much time does your animal spend in here? Answer: I'm the BABY and spend a fair amount of time in here, more if me is naughty. 

3. What special effects can I offer? Answer: a retractable door to the treat closet would be great.

4.  How much square feet is devoted strictly to sleeping? Answer: Seriously I am a bulldog, me sleeps everywhere.

5.  Do you plan to entertain overnight guests in this room? Answer: DUDE seriously I get to bring womens home?

6. What is the budget for this room? Answer:  I got six bones for this project.

7. Do you need any built-ins that are not figured in the square footage of this room? Answer: I don't have thumbs, but I think you need to count everything in the room under square footage.

8. Can you relocate while the decorating is being done? Answer: Sweeeeet I can bunk with my Mom, sure no problem.

9. If there are conflicts in design plans, can we have a mediator in your household. Answer: I'm a bulldog and I kind of think it's my way or the highway.

10. How soon can we expect to start this project with a signed contract? Answer: As soon as you realize you have just sent a BULLDOG a questionnaire who has NO thumbs to sign... \

So we weren't sure how she would respond because I think these are sort of standard questions. But my Mom was in a goofy mood and pretty tired of explaining her love of bulldogs. Her design wishes are not that complicated.

No response yet, but I cannot wait to see what she writes. We have moved on and have our own design going, who needs to have weirdos judging my Man cave...BOL.....

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