Monday, November 18, 2013

Still uncertainty

Sunday proved to be a working day for the City workers. Trucks passed the house non-stop. Banging noises from the gates slamming and the traffic was just as crazy.  The onlookers have all taken to bicycles and indignant attitudes. How simply dare you try to back out of YOUR driveway when they have to park close to gawk. The bike riders do not understand why they cannot just bring a car, they are subjected to having 2 wheels instead of 4.

Folks this is a tragedy not a freak show. Two houses were totally demolished and other houses are in the mix of disaster. Is it so important that you see all the dirt shoveled in? Have you once thought to drop a few bucks for the dislocated families that lost everything? Oh wait, you mean this isn't about you anymore??????

To say I am still a little scared is an understatement. I walk around the house with the fear of is this a crack, did my wood floors creak this much before, what was that sound ???

We are not living, we are not breathing properly, we are not enjoying life and all that it includes.

Thankfully the helicopters have stopped, but the motorcycles that gather to rev their engines while they gather to discuss the sinkhole outside my window is not a soothing sound. My dog barks because he thinks someone is here. People walking on my property under my bedroom window, having loud conversations has made me a little unnerved.

Being in the location that I am, they should be grateful I have matured, because 10 to 20 years ago, I would have been all Annie Get your Gun with my 12 gauge and standing on my lawn saying get off my property. But I am gentler these days. The City imposed No Parking signs are dismissed, I hope they remember that when my Christmas party comes around. Wait, who am I kidding, I have canceled life and Christmas. Well next year if we are still here, I better get a parking pass.

Is this the way to live? I am shell shock, very sound sensitive. Great balls of fire we have more days to go of the repair, but nothing will heal me until we sell. Where do you move to? So many questions and not enough answers....

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