So yesterday we started with a massive threat to a connected street to our home. Sink holes were devouring two homes and the reality of it all hadn't set in. Once the media arrived and the police/fire it was all very clear our lives were forever changing.The initial homes didn't seem like a reality, it was like a bad dream you couldn't wake up from.
Today is day two and here is what is going on. The media was kind enough to not have the helicopters up until about 6:20 ish and it was one at first. Then the fun continued. It sounded like a war zone. Helicopters were closer than they had been and it was scary.
I spoke with the City Engineer and he did a cursory look at my house and tried to calm the tears streaming faster than you can imagine.
We are on alert is the best way to put this. When I purchased this house, sinkhole coverage was not available, only catastrophic. Which means any cracks, splits, damages is 100% on me. Unless the unspeakable happens and it falls into the ground and the adjuster deems it a total loss.
The engineer inspection is quite expensive, they want $15,000 just to test the ground. Not including the damages or repairs, which are NOT covered by insurance.
As I sit and type this, Gunner sits perched between the couch and my lap kissing me gently as if to say it's going to be alright. What scares me most is leaving Gunner for any sort of time. We are a unit and that is my number 1 priority. I find myself more attached to him than I would ever imagine.
Here is what my day looks like:
Wake up to strange people milling outside my house, onlookers, gawkers with video, sinkhole whores, news media, past neighbors and scary looking people that are up to no good.
Throughout the day I go outside to the corner of my property and get an update from whomever is manning the road closure. I walk up to the site to see if I can bring them anything, water, food, snacks, candy, you name it.
I come back in and watch tv and generally cry. I cry for the unknown. I cry for the fact I cannot leave my house in fear when I return it won't be there. I cry that I have to crowd my dog and not give him space to have his freedom when I am gone, and finally I have no place to go to on this side of the state.
Finally I field calls from people that need me to do things for them, the do not disturb sign needs to be blinking, but I cannot shut off people. I still have to go on and it's tough. I haven't slept more than 1.5 in over 24 hours. I've tried, but I fear the house falling in.
In closing, writing is my outlet, I apologize if you don't like it, please understand I write this for Gunner and I.
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