Sunday, August 9, 2015

So here we go again.... grrrrrrr rant

This is Gunner's Mom, and usually the topics are about Bulldogs, Gunner or just funny little things.
This isn't about social media acquaintances, this about real life leaches.
This is the second rant on followers. Not people who follow you on social media, but people who follow you in life.

I haven't for the life of me ever figured out why people copy, follow or imitate. I am not a competitive person with others. I celebrate their successes and I hope they would do the same with me. I am sports competitive, career -not so much. I am good at what I do, I am confidant that I am a good business person.

It starts off with someone copying what you like, even though they are not the least bit interested in that. Second the imitation. You say this, they say this, you do this, they copy. Even to friends, someone they have zero connection to, they suddenly are drawn too, so they can be like you.

 The bigger secret is, they are self centered, and self absorbent. Couldn't last a day in my life if they had to, but they play a big story...  Within the next two weeks, my gloves come off, my venom spews and the pieces will fall. Do I like the jugular affect, not effect, quite certainly no. However, squaring someone up is past due.

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