Thursday, July 2, 2015

Friendship thank you's continued...

As a dog you wouldn't think I would have a best friend. Well I have a pack of besties. They are my  twitter pals. My late night, snack eating, butt sniffing, stubborn friends from all over the world. In honor of my Mommy's Great-Grandmothers tradition, we are going to thank a few of the special ones that make us laugh, make us cry, make us smile ear to ear and make us very happy we know them...

Every bulldog needs a wing-man... I have a few that I would say are my ride or die buddies. Rocco, Deuce, Diesel, Mr. Chips, Thor, Ozzy, Brutus, Jethro, Sammy, Rocky, and Henry Ford, just to name a few....Not to be forgotten, there are the women's that make my wrinkles giggle. Lady B, Bubbles, CleopatraFlirtalicious, Lucy, Bella, ZeeZee, Chloe, Dapphy, Bex, Gracie, Dixie (although I am a craddle robber) and the list could go on and on.

Thank you to the many friends we have here from twitter. When the world looks at you like you are nuts talking about your 4 legged babies, you always have a safe place to go with my twitter friends.

So in keeping with Mommy's Great Grand Mother's tradition, thank you very much for the great friendship.

Much love,


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