Friday, July 31, 2015

RIP Guinness

Today is a very sad day for Zoey and her family. Her brother Guinness went over Rainbow Bridge. While the pain is very raw and the emotions are very real, we would like to say to Zoey and her family that we will miss Guinness. He is Georgia's boyfriend. Georgia we are sorry for your loss too.

It's not our place to tell the story, only to honor our friend. He was his parents pride and joy, a best friend since he was 11 weeks old. A true gentleman.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Funny how age changes you and your excitement by Mom

Gunner has allowed me to share a short story here... Today while I was suppose to be flying and doing some work things, the weather at 0500 didn't cooperate. The trip wasn't scrubbed until a little while later. What to do with my open day that was frantically blocked for 24 hours or so...

Back in the day I would have headed to the Mall, short ride to Tampa and bam, shopping for the day. However, my age must be catching up with me, because having new things isn't as thrilling as it once was. Don't get me wrong, I still shop, but the thrill has left...

Today I ran a very fast errand and returned home to stay with these two lovable lug bulldogs. We curled up on the couch, turned the air down a bit lower and just kept each other company. I limited my phone calls so I could spend time with G and Mags. I wanted to really just be in the moment.

My report is this, WOW... no traffic to fight, no color decisions, no asking does this make my big butt look normal... Nope, we had a blessed day together. We played and we sat together.

The sweet sounds of their snoring and the soft pats from their paws when I try and move. We have finally separated and G is on the floor, Mags in on the couch and I am lost in space trying to have this day repeated. I loved it, and I love these two lug nuts. They are the reason I get up every day...

So if old age is setting in, I cannot wait. More days with G and Mags is just what I want!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Can you really be friends with everyone? Gunners point of view

When I list my friends (dogs) more likely than not they are all Bulldogs. Usually even taking it a step further, English Bulldogs. Not always, but most of the time my exposure is to other push faces. With a few exceptions of a Turtle (Jeff) Beagle (Daphne) Shepherd (Rocky)  Paloma (Boston) and a few others...

The big question is can we be friends with different breeds or types. This seems like a human question too. Can you be friends with someone who looks different, acts different, believes in something different and still co-exist?

While the bigger dogs aren't crazy about my sniffing and getting too close in their personal space, the bulldogs seem to have an initial understanding. When I first met Theo in person at a meet up,  we sniffed and moved on. No big drama. It was a hey how you doin' buddy sniff. However others aren't always that way. Some of the dogs at the meetups weren't always so aware of a sniff and move on protocol.

Which brings it back to the humans vs. dogs. When human to human is too close to personal space do you snap or growl? Are they more like dogs than they thought?

It seems as dogs we can look past the fancy things, the size or color of the friends, the differences between beliefs, (dry or wet food thank you). It would appear the humans could or should be more dog like so to speak (bark).

My human has realized that while she is very open to everyone, and none of the above-mentioned enters into her life, she feels it's just not so with other humans. While she would rather a tail wag than a tongue wag, she wishes life was more dog like, than human like. Maybe it wouldn't satisfy the drama seekers, or the people that get too close in your business, all up in your business, just maybe it would be an easier way of living.

So if you see me being friends with the local Python, or Aristocratic Monkey, know that we are who we are... if you don't fit into our life, you just don't.... 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The heat oh the heat...

Living in Florida presents a lot of challenges. Primarily the heat, but the other weather situations such as Hurricane, Tornado, No Named Storms, can be problematic. Let's not exclude the ever so  unpredictable electricity interruptions. Without a cloud in the sky, your electricity goes out.

My Mom has tried to take as many precautions as possible, however, sometimes you can't prepare for it all.

Our air conditioner has been a thorn in our sides.  We have a newer unit, less than 6 years old, but it doesn't seem to be able to keep up with the heat demands of Florida.

We have a middle of the day checker-upper person and she refills water, takes us out, plays with us, and makes sure the house is extremely comfortable. However, when it's isn't as cool as Mommy likes, we go to a code Green. Hotel rooms are booked, we are shuttled and life becomes a roller coaster. GRrrrrrrrrr....

Time for a climate change... 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Bulldog problems...

Being a bulldog presents many problems some aren't aware of, especially living in Florida. The heat is the biggest issue, weather has a way of dictating what we can and cannot do.

Our outside adventures are generally held during October-March. On occasion, if we can arrange all the parameters just so, we get to seek adventure during the very hot months.

Air Conditioning - Check
Back up plan of Air Conditioning - Check
Vet on call - Check
Short distance from Air Conditioning - Check
Back up plans in case first plans do not pan out - Check

After this is checked and rechecked, the thrill of spontaneous travel has left the building. Just jumping in the car to do whatever isn't an option.

Also, most of our friends here in Florida are being encouraged to get the Flu shot, the Bordotella vaccine and pretty sure we are cautioned not to travel out of state.

Fleas use to be the worry, but Ticks took over, and now it's the strain of a virus that we just can't escape. Our newest friend Max; he is an Ole English Bully was at the vet for his boosters and he came out with flu shot, bordotella, and a stern talking to about visiting other dogs until he was now six months old.

The other issue is the groomer. It has been mostly about our kin folk the Frenchy, but some English Bulldog's have had their experiences too. Going to the groomer and making sure your animal is carefully cared for is a chore in it self. All the questions you ask, all the checking and surprise visits...

How cool temp wise is the shop? Do you use a collar restraint ? Do you use a boxed Dryer? Do you use a sling for the dog for nail clipping? How do you handle an unhappy dog? What do you do for a over clipped nail?  How do you separate the dogs? Is your back area secure for escapees? The list goes on and on...

Our skin is sensitive, our noses are sensitive, our owners are sensitive! We can't just chew anything, it's not good for us. Our toys have to be monitored.

Mind you, my human wouldn't trade us for the world, but she would like to point this out to prospective buyers. While we look cute and cuddly, the issues are real. VERY real....

Our life in Florida is ok, we are not doing too badly. We are grateful for our Veterinarians that keep us healthy and treat us better than some of our friends in other states. Just know all these wrinkles of love come at a price, not a economic price all the time...


Thursday, July 9, 2015

So there we were...

When we took the short road trip, Mom was concerned about the virus' we could catch. We had the flu shot, but lets be realistic, each strain is more complicated than the previous one.

According to our vet, anytime you travel outside your own home, you risk a virus/flu/bug.

We are not up to par, and the vet seems to think it was the foreign travel to 2.5 states away. I hate to tell him she made us wear disposable booties on the grass.

So we are on sick watch and if all goes well, that means our stories and popcorn all weekend. Oh yeah Mags and I are milking it. I slept on Mommy's lap for the very first time for 3 hours today... I haven't done that before, closest was 2 plus years ago, and it was for an hour.

Have a great weekend, we are on the couch... Mommy says she needs a break from icky sicks..

Update: Maggie and I are feeling slow and low. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Friendship thank you's continued...

As a dog you wouldn't think I would have a best friend. Well I have a pack of besties. They are my  twitter pals. My late night, snack eating, butt sniffing, stubborn friends from all over the world. In honor of my Mommy's Great-Grandmothers tradition, we are going to thank a few of the special ones that make us laugh, make us cry, make us smile ear to ear and make us very happy we know them...

Every bulldog needs a wing-man... I have a few that I would say are my ride or die buddies. Rocco, Deuce, Diesel, Mr. Chips, Thor, Ozzy, Brutus, Jethro, Sammy, Rocky, and Henry Ford, just to name a few....Not to be forgotten, there are the women's that make my wrinkles giggle. Lady B, Bubbles, CleopatraFlirtalicious, Lucy, Bella, ZeeZee, Chloe, Dapphy, Bex, Gracie, Dixie (although I am a craddle robber) and the list could go on and on.

Thank you to the many friends we have here from twitter. When the world looks at you like you are nuts talking about your 4 legged babies, you always have a safe place to go with my twitter friends.

So in keeping with Mommy's Great Grand Mother's tradition, thank you very much for the great friendship.

Much love,


Friendship means a lot. Guest writer Mommy.

Today we are reflective for many reasons, but one in particular is because we are coming up on the 4th of July, our Country's birthday. Where we celebrate our Freedom. However, on July 2nd, I remember a long standing tradition my Great-grandmother had.

We have a few friends we would call best friends. Those that give a smile when needed, a hug when unexpected and a kind word on cue.

My privilege to call Sam (Artistic Bulldog) a friend is just that. When I would do a silly raffle, or a fundraiser, she was there. Often fighting me about paying her. She gave graciously to my silly ventures. Sam also stood by me and helped me when I thought it was going to be bleak with donations.

While we share a love of Korean food and bulldogs, we share something else. The crazy notion to just be ourselves. I admire her family unit and her tremendous talent.

I choose today to remind others about friendship because today would have been my Great-grandmothers birthday. She would have been 118 years old today. She would often say, remember to tell the friends you love, thank you. On her birthday she would get flooded with gifts and cards. The interesting thing was, she would send out a card to her friends that would arrive on her birthday that said my gift for my birthday is you, having your friendship makes me rich with love.

So in honor of my Great-grandmother I want to tell you Sam thanks for making me rich with friendship, and being able to tell you my crazy clothing snafus.