We have made a lot of great new friends, and said good-bye to some long time friends. The bulldog community as a whole is a great place to build and find friendships. We share a common thread of our love for our bulldogs.
We have had a bumpy road, but are up and at it again and are very grateful for the few we really call friends.
This year we supported bulldogs in distress, fosters and vet bills. We are hopeful on doing that in 2015. What we found is most bulldog owners are sacrificer's, unselfish and unconditional. There are a few self centered folks that have our breed that don't subscribe to the bulldog first theory, but in truth, those are few and far between. Albeit we know a few in our "outter-circle" we choose to think of the inner-folks.
We are thankful for all our friends, but mostly I am thankful for the humans that surround me with love and affection. My Mom is thankful for the Dad's in my life that support me and never say no to any of her crazy ideas. They give her encouragement to have friendships and host her silly parties. I am loved by a community and I really appreciate that.
That's not to say we are an easy swallow, we are strong willed, opinionated and odd on most good days. To the people we love, we love forever, to the people we don't, you don't matter.
My besties remain a long list of friends, real friends. We thank you so much for everything! Special hoots to Sam for always agreeing to do something for our crazy ideas. Rocco's dad for being almost perfect, and Magoo crew for making us want to be better people in this world. Bex Mom Ronnie for always taking my side in the arguments and her generous nature, she is above perfect. Always thinking of others, that is truly amazing. Finally my StudClub dudes, you all know who you are, we Paw five you guys!
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