Tuesday, June 17, 2014

To love a Bulldog by Mom

When I first deposited on Gunner to buy him, I had no idea what Bulldogs were about. We were Old English Mastiff people. One look at that cute precious face, and I was hooked. Over the next two weeks awaiting his 8th week birthday I learned more than ever. Since then, we have learned more than you can imagine...

First and foremost keep him cool, no heat for bulldogs. Next was the health issues. It's not if they have surgery it's when. Finally the short life span. That was really hard to take. 

One thing that I know for a fact is my love for Gunner is unconditional. However, I also know this is a breed that is one that you should love them while you have them, and cherish each and every moment.

My Mom use to say "God only lends you children". I feel the same exact way about my four legged boy. He is on loan from heaven, time with him is short and I know that at any time my heart could break in two.

Having Gunner in my life is a blessing I couldn't ever imagine without. The joy and love he gives me is paramount. Our time with our Twitter friends is really enjoyable. Being able to share our lives with like minded people is really great and we treasure those friendships.

When I see the bumper stickers on cars that say "Who rescued Who" I smile, because it may have been my bank account that bought him, but it was him who rescued me.

Thanks to all our friends for being with us during this journey.

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