Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Year - New Life... corrected!

As 2014 is about to close down for the year, we are looking toward 2015 like most people, with great anticipation. This year has been tough, but not as tough as some had it. We lost loved ones, and a few fur friends that break our hearts.

We also welcomed a few new hooman babies along the way. I think there was something in the water, and thankfully my Mom gave up the water! I do not know if I could handle a baby in the house. I am the baby and that is all there is to it.

First onboard was baby Carter-Gunner(it's my blog, I will name him what I want) Carter is the happiest baby alive. I would love to live next door to him, his cute little face can melt a snow storm.

Next on deck,  Baby LiLi  we thought the world couldn't get any cuter.  She is just the sweetest baby. However, she has some determination in her blood!

We were worried how these new babies on the scene could be as cute as last years models, the ever model Harper (Rocco's and Lola's sister) and our home town girl Collins (Henry's sister).

Carter came into a family of love and bulldogs. Not only did they have a few of their own, they are a bed and biscuit for rescues. I have to admit I was most closest to Liesel, because I KEPT THE SECRET for EVER! Mommy was away when she came to town on her Mommy's birthday, that was very special. She is quite the peanut, but so expressional, she has Deucey wrapped around her human paw.

Next came Emmeline, she is Auntie Leesh (LizBeeGee) baby girl. She has a stuffed Bulldog named ThorictaGunner. She is quite a delight in her dark hair and coy smiles.

Rounding out the team is Mr. GQ Jax! He is the brother to (LadyBeckett) and what a handsome guy he is. I am thinking him and Carter Gunner are going to break some Bulldog sisters hearts in the future.

Please join us in a silent moment to remember our furfriends that have crossed over to Rainbow Bridge. Let us never forget our friends that have passed.

In keeping in that spirit let us try to be nice to each other, let bygones be bygones and remember it's much easier to swallow a compliment than choke down an insult.

Much love to you all and Happy 2015!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas in Bulldog land...

We have posted our thoughts and our opinions, however, this post is our gratitude. You see many know that we care about the bulldogs and all animals, but what you don't know is how it is all possible.

When we started twitter we met so many nice people. People who have impacted our lives greatly. While it seems we thank people all the time, we never really thank the ones that mean the most.

Sam a/k/a ArtisticBulldog has been the most supportive of our silly dog activities. She has graciously offered her time and talent to donate her art work.  Sam is the first person who comes to my aid when I am trying to raise funds, awareness or otherwise a stink for our bulldogs. Her friendship means so much to me on so many levels. When I am blue, she reaches out and just says hello! When two of my relatives died, she reached out with a kind hug.

This  kind of friendship is not taken lightly. It's not just the wonderful things she does, its the support and good warmheartedness she has for each and everyone of us. If a person hasn't posted in a while, she worries, she is very concerned for our little twitter-neighborhood.

You can always count on Sam to brighten your day. Whether it be with her creative creations or her zany outfits, she is a constant in our lives we look forward to daily.

When the world is focused on gifts and things, she is the one person that comes to mind who is concerned about others. I have learned recently that gifts are no replacement for real friends. My gift this year has been my friendship with Sam.

With much love and appreciation, you are one of a kind!

Love Gunner and Kym

Ordering a prezzie for my buddy Thor

Thor is one of my studclub buddies, we go way back. A few weeks ago he was promised pizza bones. Now you know to a Bulldog that is HUGE. Pizza bones are a real treat. He had a few sent home for him from his GOOD Auntie Chenny.

Well, the naughty Auntie Leesh scarfed them up and poor Thor had no pizza bones. He was very sad and down in the dumps. As one of my random acts of Santa Paws I sent Thor is very own pizza. However, it was not as easy as it sounds. We live about 1300 miles away.

First pizza place I ordered from was Pizza Hut online. I get an email saying my credit card cannot be verified, I call them, and they are VERY suspicious of a person sending a pizza out of state. I did not tell them it was a for a bulldog.

Second place, almost the same reaction. They agreed until I said it was for a dog. NOT just any dog, but Thor the bulldog. I almost had them at delivery when they said no can do buckeroo...

Third and final place- Mommy calls and says listen I need a pizza delivered to my friend in X city. I am out of town, it's for their son, and my son is their best buddy. All is going good. We order, and they say what does your son's friend like? Mom says in her Scooby voice, bacon. The girl on the phone said "beg your pardon"?  Mom says its a dog, what do you think. OH MY GOSH she did not just say DOG. Girl puts Mom on hold comes back and says what is their telephone number? Um.. Mommy didn't know that part so she faked a number. (awesome criminal my mom would make)

Finally when the name is asked Mommy says Thor, I mean XX (Thor's Mommy's name) Girl says now can you tell me this story again, (clearly she is on a speaker phone) Mommy say's Thor is my son Gunner's bestie, they are celebrating Christmas together, his Auntie Liz ate his Pizza bones and we have to send him his own pizza. Girl on phone covers her laughter and said do they need any drinks with that? haha everyone is a comic...

Merry Christmas Thor. You deserve your pizza bones.!!! xoox

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...

This holiday season we decided not to exchange gifts with our friends. The pressure to find the right thing, the over-abundance of giving things for the sake of giving, and the whole headache of it all. The commercial aspect really took a toll on us.

So we are having what we call Kym's Christmas... It's about giving back and doing more than we did before... This isn't bragging, this is just letting you know a small gesture, albeit a toy, a trinket, or just a kind word, it has been very uplifting.  

Last week we delivered 10 - 35lb bags of dog food to a rescue, thanks to the generous donation from Aunt Ronnie; Coach and Becky's Mom.

We continued with that spirit to make the less expecting a little happier. We donated to the homeless kids and another private rescue. Rufus Rascal's has made an impact on our bulldog nation.

As we round out this holiday, we donated to more and more and our hearts grew HUGE. Last night Mommy and I saddled up the ole truck and delivered 20 more bags of food, treats, toys and shampoos. The ladies that accepted these minimal items cried. WE cried, and we all will have a happy Holiday!

We also dropped off at a Children's Home and let's just say if they ever doubted there was a Santa Claus, it won't be this year. Bikes and toys and clothes oh yeah! And I got to ride with Santa when he walked through the door. Because of privacy issues we are not allowed to photograph the kids or the address or likeness.

Please accept our gratitude to each of you for your friendship and your support. Thank you for making Kym's Christmas a real joy, no pressure, no fuss, no muss.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year....

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

End of year thoughts...

We have made a lot of great new friends, and said good-bye to some long time friends. The bulldog community as a whole is a great place to build and find friendships. We share a common thread of our love for our bulldogs.

We have had a bumpy road, but are up and at it again and are very grateful for the few we really call friends.

This year we supported bulldogs in distress, fosters and vet bills. We are hopeful on doing that in 2015. What we found is most bulldog owners are sacrificer's, unselfish and unconditional. There are a few self centered folks that have our breed that don't subscribe to the bulldog first theory, but in truth, those are few and far between. Albeit we know a few in our "outter-circle" we choose to think of the inner-folks.

We are thankful for all our friends, but mostly I am thankful for the humans that surround me with love and affection. My Mom is thankful for the Dad's in my life that support me and never say no to any of her crazy ideas. They give her encouragement to have friendships and host her silly parties. I am loved by a community and I really appreciate that.

That's not to say we are an easy swallow, we are strong willed, opinionated and odd on most good days. To the people we love, we love forever, to the people we don't, you don't matter.

My besties remain a long list of friends, real friends. We thank you so much for everything! Special hoots to Sam for always agreeing to do something for our crazy ideas. Rocco's dad for being almost perfect, and Magoo crew for making us want to be better people in this world. Bex Mom Ronnie for always taking my side in the arguments and her generous nature, she is above perfect. Always thinking of others, that is truly amazing. Finally my StudClub dudes, you all know who you are, we Paw five you guys!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A new baby is coming... woohoo...

Friends we are having a welcome to the Twitterhood for newest sister ____?

Beauregard passed away suddenly and his Mommy and Daddy were very sad. They knew there is no replacing the love of a bulldog and when the time was right, they would get another. 

Well... the time became right and Miss Sweetness (not her real name, nor is Madison, but I had to name her something)... Is arriving on December 20th. We are giving them a few days to get to know her and fall more in-love. 

On Monday evening we are welcoming her to Twitter. So put on your party pants and let's dance like our wrinkles aren't there... Please use hashtag #BeauApproves. Also, she is bringing her newest Cousin along I think. She has a littermate in the family. He is joining my gal SuperLump !!! 

Please stop by and get to know her!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

No Bulldog Left Behind

No Bulldog left behind is a gofundme campaign to help pay for the care and living expenses of needy bulldogs.

However, this is not just for rescues, it is also for the person who is having a rough time, job loss, financial changes, or just a little help!

Let's keep bulldogs in homes rather than shelters. The number one reason an elderly bulldog is placed is because of the financial burden. While I do not think any animal is a burden, I realize some have different opinions.

With the GoFundMe campaign, we will pay for routine or emergency assistance. Vet bills will be paid directly to the provider and other supplies that are needed.

Please consider donating... We appreciate it. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Ovie and Dogs on Deployment

CLICK THE LINK BELOW to donate please....

Friends... please please please put your dollars together and send Ovie to the Winter Classic. Anything over the goal will go to Dogs on Deployment.

Dogs on Deployment is an awesome organization!

As a small part of the military family, I urge you to consider donating. You see, when you go TDY or PCS you have to think of the 4 legged member too.

TDY= Temporary Duty Assignment

PCS = Permanent Change of Station 

A TDY can last upwards of a year. Can you imagine your furry friend in a boarding facility (IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT) or worse, giving them up for adoption? I would not know what to do without my family and I urge you to help.

Ovie is a making the trip, shaking some paws and hopefully bring the best Cap's fan back to the East side!

For all my friends who donate, I will put your names in a hat and you will win a portrait drawing of your dog by the ever so talented Artistic Bulldog.

Please donate and in the comments write "friend of Gunner's" I will place your name in the hat and have a video drawing of the winner!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Doing for others update

This past year we have all had our ups and downs. We have lost friends, family and jobs. Each friend on twitter has been there through it all. We are eternally grateful.

Many ask why we donate to so many causes, yes I really get the emails and pings asking what is so special about this or that. My Mom has always been a giver, to a fault at times.

Our plans for our Rufus' Rascals foundation was met with a bit of angst and red-tape. Privately we have funded many rescues, vet bills, food, sheltering costs, and just new toys for our friends going through a rough patch. Our silly parties are funded by my bully-bank.

Having a Non-profit (Not For Profit 501 (c)(3) ) is a paperwork intensive process. However, the benefits are rewarding. We are officially launching our Rufus' Rascals Not-For-Profit Foundation Jan 1, 2015. With the designation, all donations are tax deductible, that helps with the Tax Man bill.

We are not a business of raising money, we are however very compassionate animal lovers and hope to help animals in need.

What does this mean for anyone reading this... We will have a web-page and a donation button. We will also have a fundme page with a highlight of who we are raising money for. In addition, our bi-monthly updates will be featured in a blog. One other area we focusing on is anonymous help. If someone is having a difficult time, they do not need to be ashamed or embarrassed. We will privately assist in vet bills.

Many thanks to everyone who has supported our dreams of bulldogs in homes, not shelters. Look forward to the future of the great deeds Rufus' Rascals provides. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Vet's and Bulldogs written by Mom

If you are in the Tampa Bay area, specifically South Tampa area (although I would make the drive for Dr. Lewis) I would highly recommend 

Dr. Lewis listens and exams based on what he thinks, not what is common to bulldogs. Gunner has had a nasty open wound rash on the back of his neck. We went to see the doc about six weeks ago, it was mild and we treated it topically, and never did I suspect anything other in the back of my mind, could this be an allergy starting. Low and behold it came back but worse. Immediately I believed it was an allergy and began to plan the change foods, laundry soaps, treats and everything else.

When we arrived and Dr. Lewis and Super Vet Tech Mandi (Gunner loves loves loves) began to exam him, I casually mentioned he was shaking his head a lot as Dr. Lewis was checking Gunner's ears. Mandi was holding Gunner the whole time, as they were doing a snout to stubby tail exam.

Being the nervous Mommy that I am, I was outlining my plan to change his foods, treats, bedding, all in the preparations of "allergies"... Dr. Lewis said to me very gently, before we just assume it's the Bulldog prone to allergy, let me look at these ears. B I N G O.  The culprit was the ears. It would have been very easy to sway me to the "allergy" syndrome and just try and cope with the changes. However, as always, Dr. Lewis treated the issue and not the "standard bulldog hype."

Often I am asked who is my Vet. Through the years of many dogs, turtles, cows, horses, pigs, rabbits, guinea pigs, I have had the distinct pleasure of having the best of the best treat my animals. That's not to say there haven't been a few opps. But for the most part, my family began using a vet in Clearwater in 1968, I stayed with him through two retirements. I used the same horse vet for 30 years. I am loyal when deserved. The three I list below I would say are the best of the best in the area. I am more partial to these three because they are listeners and not reactors. They treat, not practice.  Dr. Lewis originally was going to be my go-to-vet for times I couldn't get in to see Dr. Marks or Dr. B. He is much closer to my house, has great hours and I liked him. He was with Dr. Marks as a partner prior to opening this Clinic. Gunner and I have decided that Dr. Lewis is our full-time Vet, with the exception of having Dr. B and Dr. Marks as needed when Dr. Lewis isn't available.

I would encourage my Tampa Bay Area bulldog friends to check him out. While we love Dr. B (Highland in Lakeland) and beloved Dr. Marks (Turkey Creek), we feel we are A-Ok with Dr. Lewis.

Everyday normal issues do not require the expert. With that said, just your corner Vet is often not the one to use. Reason being; they tend to go with the idea all bulldogs have standard issues, and treat based on book references, not what the actual bulldog is presenting (symptom).

He makes Gunner feel welcome and he treats us well. Their office hours are great for the working person, they are just down the street from the Davis Island Dog Park and they truly are a great Animal Clinic. I am planning on taking our newest member the Turtle there.

I could go on an on about this team of Dr. Lewis and Mandi, I will just say this, go one time and you will be happy you did. Gunner never wants to leave the office.

**This is not a paid or requested endorsement, Dr. Lewis has no idea we are posting about him, we received nothing from our posting** 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thanksgiving is just around the turkey leg...

We would like to wish our friends and twitter family a great Thanksgiving. It is a time to give thanks for what we have, and not dwell on what we don't have.

We are thankful that we have a roof over our heads, some food in the food bowls and cars that drive us around. We are very thankful that we live in a country that we can write blogs, go to church when we like, believe what we like and have bulldogs. Oh yeah, that's the biggie right there.

We have had some sorrow lately, we lost a cousin to his courageous battle with pancreatic cancer after five (5) years, yes five years. He is 47 years old. We are thankful we had him in our life and he made this place a better place.

We also lost my Mom's sister, my Aunt. She has my sister/litter-mate Maggie.  She loved dogs, horses and rabbits. She would endlessly take care of her Shih Tzu's brushing and combing and fussing until the Bulldog nation came around. Haha no hairs to tie up in a bow. She was home free.

We are struggling with emotions, both relatives left a lot of loved ones sad.

At our dinner table this year, we will not cry, we will be thankful for the time we had and all the great memories.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween is over and now the Thank You's!

First off let me say to the amazing and dear friends that I have; thank you so much for the beautiful flowers you sent My Mom and I. We are both very grateful and wish to tell you that, when the world seems mean and angry, you brighten our days with your friendship!

Becky and Coach, Sam and Diesel, Georgia and Mommy, Magoo-Carter-MissO-Grover, Beckett and Jax, Deuce and LiLi, Mr. Chips, Mandy and Daphne. Your generous thoughtfulness overwhelms us.

We are often asked why do we do this? I have to tell you the smiles on the faces of my fellow dogs and the parents that put so much effort into entertaining us for at least a few hours.

Without the friendships here, I would be lost. I sincerely thank you all very very much!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Grand Prize Winners (yes two)

The Grand Prize winner selection actually garnered two winners.

The Judge couldn't decide and picked two. So... each will receive a Watercolor Portrait made by Artistic Bulldog.

Unfortunately her artwork is such in demand, delivery may be after the holidays. However, your pieces are paid for and you will need to email her your picture you want drawn.

Now for the winners.....

Bulldog Jethro on the top

Bubbles as the Spider Dog....

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014 Costume winners are

Suppa Model winner is;

Sam the Crazy Bulldog/donut lady!

Best Female winner is:


Best Super Hero:

Lady Beckett

Best Male winner is:

Lord Roscoe

Best Family Group or couple:

Deuce and LiLi...

Please Vote now for your favorites!!

Please vote now for your favorites!!!

The grand prize will be decided by an impartial judge (not us)...

Grand Prize is a Water Color we have purchased from Sam @Artistic Bulldog.

Other prizes include

Bulldog Throw
Bulldog Flag
Treats and fun things!!

Post your Halloween pictures it's not too late

Halloween is tonight and we know everyone is really busy with the kids.

Please post your pictures and I will snag them and post them.

Please wait until I call no more pictures to vote!



Best Suppa Model


Beth B

Jaqueline Cousteau

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Best Super Hero

Lady Beckett

Oscar the Boxer

Georgia Love

Best Male

 Gunner the Construction Dude


Zeus - Hugh Hefner

Demon Dog Lou.
Louis Meatball
Recycle Man Bogarts!


Lord Roscoe  

Coach da debbil

Ozzy da debbil

Jethro - Totally Pirate!!!

Best Female

Sexy Playboy Bunny Lulu


Bubbles woohoo



Frankie the Bulldog
Sassy Tots
Bulldog Chloe
the Princess

Halloween Pictures are here for the party!!! Family or Couple!

Henry and Collins


Deuce and LiLi 

 Magoo and Carter
Bex and Coach..