Yesterday we loaded up the Mommy car for a drive to the vets. The day before Mom noticed a couple of lumps in an odd place on my neck. Worried, she called the vet and we went in.
He took a small sample from the big scary looking one and scraped the other areas. I assumed he was looking for mange. Mom confessed she scratched my ear to see if my rear foot moved (that's how you can tell if its Sarcoptic mange, which is the worst its CONTAGIOUS)
He laughed at her and said, you did right, that's how you tell.
Last night Mommy gave the medications she was instructed to give, even put them in a pill pocket. Which for the record is da hot diggity BOMB !!! I tried to jump on the counter and get more.
My vet sent the samples off to an outside lab because he was unsure of what it could be. We were expecting the results Thursday. Around 1:40 p.m. the call came. Mommy was really scared to answer it. It was HIM. He asked how the patient was and then said everything is fine. He explained I was probably right thinking the collar created an irritation and cyst. Now to keep taking the medicines.
I heard Mommy ask him, does this antibiotic have any energy stimulation's because her little puppy (ME) was like a house on fire with energy, which I don't need any help in that area.He laughed and said no.
So no more collars??? Yippee!!! Now just harnesses and those little tiny necklaces those fancy pants wear when they go to those show places. It's cool, I am down with being collarless. I wouldn't mind the freedom.
Thanks to my friends that worried with me, you mean the world!
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