Today, we headed to Gunner's vet in Plant City for a shot. After our visit, we headed back to come home and were hit from behind by a truck. We had just gone through the green light and a car and truck were stopped in front of us for a garbage truck, so we stopped. Then they begin to move and we started out with them when we were hit by a truck that didn't notice the trucks that had been stopped, our truck or the fact that well there was a truck in front of him, US. After the impact he came around us and darted to the back of the auto parts place, and my natural instinct was he was fleeing, I looked at Gunner who didn't seem fazed, and said go to where he is. I was not driving, THANK GOD.
We approached the truck and he wouldn't get out of the truck. I was honestly too concerned about Gunner to really care. When we travel with Gunner, he is crated. We have an extended cab new truck and he is in his crate that is tethered down so he doesn't get slung around (INSIDE THE TRUCK). This time it was a life saver. I took the brunt of the injuries, and that was ok with me, at least it wasn't Gunner or his Dad. At first, Gunner wouldn't move from the crate, and I was scared. I reached out to Gunner and my Twitter friends, I needed some prayers, I didn't know what to think. I was the most scared I have ever been.
What was so surreal was the treatment we received. I immediately called the vet to see if I could walk Gunner back to be checked and they told me no, stay put we will come get you. I couldn't let them do that, but the offer brought tears to my eyes. The trooper called fire rescue for me, and they wanted to take me to the hospital, I said what about my dog, they said "it's a dog" he can't come. I said no thank you, I will be fine. I didn't do that for attention or to be difficult, I did it because I cannot leave my dog. After we were dismissed by the police, we went to the vet and had Gunner checked. He was fine, a little shook up because Mommy was crying a bit, but he was fine. I had someone meet us at the vets so we could get Gunner to a safe place and let him rest.
While we were in transport the tweets we received from our twitter family and friends was over-whelming. We were touched by all the love and support, it made me feel I could handle anything we were facing.
Our vet staff was amazing, called me a few times to make sure we were ok, the twitter friends were remarkable and overwhelming, several offers of help to take Gunner while I was healing, TRULY awesome.
Once at the hospital, I didn't care what happened, I knew we were going to be ok. I have some bumps and sprains, a concussion and some sort of swelling they can't figure out. I will be fine because my baby Gunner is fine. I can heal, but the thought of him being hurt makes me cry like a baby.
Thank you so much for all your love and support. Our damages to our 2013 truck is quite significant, but the reality is we are here and we are grateful.
Love Gunner, Mommy and Daddy!
We are going to use it and thank you for thinking of us. It's very important during the summer months for animals.