This morning I was doing my morning cuddle on Gunner, where I wipe his face and body down with a wet wash, I play with his ears and his belly and scratch and brush him. Everything was good, nothing out of place, the toes were clean, the ears, everything... Imagine at 2:55 p.m. when I was rubbing his belly getting ready to cook for him (ok really just put his food in the bowl, but to some that's cooking)... I found a flea!!! A very baby flea, but a flea nonetheless... I called my vet in a sure fire panic and asked oh my what to do... I am scheduled for next week for his shots and I was going to put him on the new heartworm preventative that included fleas, ticks and mange. Rest assured I was calmed down by Susie putting me on hold, checking with the vet and saying come on in and get some Comfortis for now. Oh by the way, can you weigh him or just bring him in.
Off I rushed to get the Flea Be Gone magic pill and I drug the big lug with me. I first weighed him, which I did not like adding 23.5 pounds to my own weight, but I was shocked he was that big. I took him with me so they could verify his weight and I didn't mess up. This is my baby and all. Sure enough he tips the scales at 23.5 pounds. When I bought him he was 10 pounds. Where did my small fuzzy puppy go...????
Susie weighed him and sure enough, the big lug is 23.5 pounds. We got the magic flea be gone pill and rushed right back home to eat our dinner and take our pill. While he is taking his after dinner nap, I will begin to re-treat the yard in the front and then tomorrow morning re-treat the back, plus treat the house.
Fleas and I do not get along. They are a danger to my baby and I do not want to live with them...
Many thanks to the my Vet and Susie for helping me solve the problem...
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