Friday, October 7, 2016

Georgia Love Richey - RIP 11-13-2003 - 10-06-2016

So here are a few of my favorite pictures...

So here we go... Meeting Georgia and her family was one of the highlights of Twitter. Each and every turn, if something was going on, they were there with a kind word. I believe Georgia is the OG of strollers. After she had one, everyone got one. Personally for me, her bottom teeth were my favorite sight each day. I loved the family bond and when rescues stopped to visit, Georgia was as sweet as can be. The day Emmy came to town, I wondered if Georgia would lose her spunk. With each story of Emmy and her wayward ways, Georgia made you feel apart of the learning curve of a pipsqueak puppy. One night we were up very late, hadn't had any sleep and couldn't fall asleep, we started looking at twitter friends pictures and writing little things about them so we would have a memory of all our funny stories. Unfortunately we lost our writings, with 2 exceptions... One was about Georgia. Always a cheerful good morning, always that toothy smile that makes me want to squeeze and kiss her. Often I forget Georgia has 4 legs and cannot vocalize, but I am sure if she could she would say, #GOYA and exercise. I loved that about Georgia, always there smiling. Today is not a day I ever want to relive. I did not meet her face to face, I did not call her on the phone, we did not share an ibone session, but we shared in admiration of our love for Georgia. I wish we had more time, we were going to hand deliver her birthday present. I felt this would be my chance to say thank you and see her teeth in person. That didn't happen... We love you Georgia and want you to know we want to be as good as you! Fly free at the bridge and plenty of kisses for you!