Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Maggie say's Gunner Gunner Gunner...

Living in my house right now is like watching Ferris Bueller's Day Office movie. My sister Maggie is very jealous that I got to go to the ER Vet on Friday, Saturday and the big Vet yesterday.

So much so that she is pouting and giving My Mommy a very hard time. She is misbehaving and acting out. I am trying to comfort Maggie and let her know it's because I am sick right now. She isn't having any of it, she is angry! So... Mom bought her a new baby to sleep with and I gave it a lick, I am hoping my sister gets over being jealous, I luff her very much and I don't like to see her upset.

Signed the favorite son...

Gunner xoxoxo

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Gunner update Oct 27 2015

Last known was Gunner went to vet on Saturday. They diagnosed him with a Mass on his Bladder and a UTI and Bladder infection. Sent him home with antibiotics and no other treatment plan.

Regular Vet's were both out of town, spoke to one and we had a small idea to just go with the antibiotics and let me the Mom make some choices.

The little voices in my head that tell me what to do or not to do spoke loudly. NO one is addressing this Mass issue.

I made the appointment with the Bulldog Expert Vet and off we went. Gunner has a severely enlarged Prostrate and has some other issues involving that. He requires surgery within 30 days. No Mass found on either Sonogram and X-rays.

I won't get negative only to say this; IF YOU HAVE A GUT FEELING GO WITH IT!! I read a few posts that said to me that I was over-reacting. It's my dog, my life, my checkbook and my way!!!!!

Thankfully my doubting saved his life.

Please keep my buckethead baby in your prayers please.

Love to all!!!

Gunner, Maggie and Kym

Sincere Thank you from the Gunner family

First and foremost I would like to say a very sincere Thank you to all our twitter and facebook friends. This has been a trying time with Gunner. I want to thank you all individually because you mean that much to us. You rallied around us with prayers and thoughts when we needed it most. I truly appreciate my prayer warriors.

I am going to post a second update on Gunner in a few minutes, but we all really love each of you and thank you from the bottoms of our paws!!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Gunner's sick

Friday afternoon Gunner began acting a little offish. When he would walk he would slink down like a cougar and take deliberate steps. He ate fine, but was not acting right. Later that evening he was acting strange and had zero energy (which is a huge red flag).

We decided not to ignore it and head to an ER Vet. Our vet is on vacay and our other doesn't do after hours. We load Gunner up in the car and began to travel to the ER Vet. To our surprise they are not open and we panic. We head to the second one and they are closed. At this point Gunner is booping around and acting very normal. We call a third one and they say come in, it's 1 am by this time, and he is full steam back to normal.

Through the night he slept well, I checked him every hour on the hour. Saturday morning, I had duty and he was home with the dad. Gunner wouldn't eat. By 1145 he was much worse, and I was not home. I send them packing to the vet but they get in a traffic jam. I leave duty and head out to meet them. We finally arrive at a Vet ER Clinic and begin our wait.

Immediately the vet is stumped, but knows something isn't right. After some nudging from me, I get him to do a full exam and he discovers a Mass in Gunner's bladder. They ask for a urine sample and they will do a blood panel, and they will do an x-ray if I want one. I did ask if they had to put him out for the x-ray and he said no.

The Vet tech was unable to get a urine sample so I got one for them, and that test came back off the charts high. The blood work was high for low white cells and his alkaline was high, as was his sugar. The Vet excused the Vet Tech and asked me to assist him with another examination since the Tech wasn't very experienced. With Gunner being in tact (still has his jigglies) I think the Vet was hoping it was that, however, his prostrate was clear. I felt the Mass he referred to and I believe it needs an expert review, however, ER Vet wasn't sure. He opted not to do the x-ray for some reason.

At the conclusion, Gunner's temp was elevated, his white cells and levels were high, and he decided the best course of action is antibiotics. We take him home and he won't walk, sit up, or move at all. I give him the antibiotic immediately and try and feed him. He will not eat at all, nor drink much.

I freeze Cranberry juice in ice cube trays for later to keep him hydrated and it's good for UTIs. Later I try to feed him again and he will not eat. I am scared since he had a pill he needs something in his belly, so I scramble him some eggs and give him cranberry juice cubes.

Gunner goes to sleep after being so down right sick, I had to rock him for 2 hours and he finally went to bed. He was up most of the night and not sleeping very well. This morning he is still out of it, and not feeling great, but I did get him to eat dog food and drink water and a cube of cranberry juice. He is slowly walking on his own and moving a bit more, but it's not over by any means.

Gunner was not given any pain medication at all, and I am not one to self medicate so I am trying all kinds of home remedies, such as heat and ice, fluids and tons of kisses. That seems to be his favorite. He avoided Maggie until just 3 minutes ago, but is still not all over her like usual.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. We are going to try to see Dr. B in the morning, and hope that everything is fine. I will update if need be.

Monday, October 12, 2015

There is a nip in the air...

We are loving the little bit of coolness in the air. Plus Mommy is baking and cooking this morning. I guess you could call her an old fashioned kind of girl. One that knows how to cook, knows what to wear, and when it's time to call it a day.

We are tasting lots of great things today. Plus little paw muffins are in the oven.

Happy Brisk Columbus Day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fall is in the slight air...

Happy Fall time my friends... I want to do a quick Public Service Announcement and then some fun info after that...

With all the wet and rain everyone has, October is bringing out a lot of mushrooms... Read this about mushrooms. I'll wait... go here...Mushrooms click here

With that said please please take an extra moment to check your yard or your favorite watering hole - haha I said watering hole.

Now for the fun stuff....

October is a great month! Very busy, but a great month. Halloween is just around the corner and then the holidays will be here before we know it.

We were not going to do a Halloween party this year because we didn't think anyone would want to do one. However, Mom has some serious swag she has to get rid of. I mean really get rid of. My closet looks like a Bulldog Gift Shop.  So we are thinking if anyone is interested, they can let Mommy know via twitter or here she will put the swag up as prizes.

Happy Fall Everyone!!!

Gunner and Maggie

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Gunner love - Mommy author

It is no secret how much I love Gunner. Once he was in my life I was smitten to say the least. Truly I believe he was a gift from God, as was Maggie. Gunner has been many things in my life. At times I have to pinch myself and remember he is not of the human kind, but of the Canine flavor. I am sure you have clicked off by now saying "oh boy Gunner Gunner Gunner"...

Gunner is the most sensitive caring dog I have ever had. From the time he was 11 weeks old we watched videos online of other bulldogs. At 12 weeks he started a music appreciation class that we still do today. Night time rituals include Mommy love and story time. When Mommy is not home, she calls and face times him. Please do not call the men in white jackets, they have already certified that I am nutsocoocoo.

From the first group meetup at 16 weeks, Gunner would not hump or bother other dogs. He would play and run but would give each dog their space. When a fight would break out, you would find Gunner in the middle separating the fighters. To say he is dog polite might be odd. Our lives have consisted of mutual love and admiration.

When Maggie came into the house I was very concerned his feelings would be hurt. She is his sister and needed some extra love after losing her Mommy of 3 years. At first they did not get along too well. I was really hard on Gunner, I accepted nothing less than his being polite and loving. I spoke to other bulldog families that had a girl and boy dog, seeking some insight. Fortunately I ignored the comments that would say "they will be fine" Being fine with no intervention is a recipe for disaster. So I knew I had some real work ahead of me. Gunner is a sensitive soul. You never have to punish him for something because he knows what he did. My solution was; I applied some tried and true behavioral methods and within 2 weeks my fears of them not getting along were long gone.

Gunner amazes me daily with his kindness. I wish two legged people were as kind and loving as Gunner.  He always waits for Maggie to start eating first, for her to go through the door first, for her to get treats first, and has really given up so much of Gunner's things to her. With all that kindness I cannot let him be left out. That is why we have double of everything. I do keep certain things just for Gunner.

With all this love and admiration I feel the need to share it. Gunner has the heart I wish I had. He has the ability to listen and forgive. His love of protection and family goes without saying. While he has some personality quirks that make me wonder if I gave birth to him, he means the world to me.

I find that when I am struggling, he is there. I talk to him as a human and he seems to understand what I am saying. When I am tweeting or watching a video, he is right beside me over my shoulder. To say that dogs do not understand, I would strongly disagree. Put Rocco's little sister on a video and Gunner comes out of his room to watch. If he see's Henry and Collins picture he slightly puts his cheek to her. Until the prior Flood, he had all his friends pictures on his wall, he would lay under different ones during the day, as if he were visiting them.

Think I am crazy, that's ok. I am truly blessed with two very special bulldogs that fill my heart with love. In a world of negatives and jealousy, I find complete comfort knowing my two are what's right with this world.

I love you Gunner more than you know, and I love you Maggie with my soul.