Today we had errands to run and people to help, so Gunner's play date was canceled. I am not happy I canceled on him, but things happen. Today while playing with him, I snapped this photo and I believe it's time to re-glue his ears. He has developed airplane ears... Not what I am happy about at all.
On a funnier note, baby Gunner has decided he needs to be rocked at night to go to sleep. Problem is, he doesn't weigh 10 pounds anymore, he is quite the BIG boy, and he only fits on half my lap...
.......I am an English Bulldog that loves life, playing with my toys and giving budges to everyone...My favorite things to do right now are sleep and celebrate New Toy Tuesday's! Oh yeah and go shopping!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Keeping a puppy on schedule.
Keeping Gunner on schedule is hard because at this time in our lives we are trying to buy a new house, travel and do some commitment things we have had planned for a long time. Keeping him on a schedule was very hard and last night proved we have to stop the buses and get back to business.
Gunner has a schedule of his own. He gets up in the 630-715 hour range. Goes out potty and comes back in to start his day. At 730-745 he eats his breakfast and then plays a little. He will start the potty break cycle at about 830 or so.
After that he is a sleeping dog until about 1030 or so. He will go back outside and then back to sleep for him. This cycle continues through the day and guess what? He doesn't sleep at night.
At around 300 pm he gets fed again, I know I should stretch it out to 4 pm and I will start doing that today, but it's hard when the other animals are getting fed at 300 pm and he isn't.
We have to schedule in early evening play time and socialization with him because our up all night is not working for me. His bedtime is being readjusted to 11 pm and hopefully we will get back on track.
Let's hope the round mound gets back on track. Mommy needs to sleep more than 1 hour at night...
Gunner has a schedule of his own. He gets up in the 630-715 hour range. Goes out potty and comes back in to start his day. At 730-745 he eats his breakfast and then plays a little. He will start the potty break cycle at about 830 or so.
After that he is a sleeping dog until about 1030 or so. He will go back outside and then back to sleep for him. This cycle continues through the day and guess what? He doesn't sleep at night.
At around 300 pm he gets fed again, I know I should stretch it out to 4 pm and I will start doing that today, but it's hard when the other animals are getting fed at 300 pm and he isn't.
We have to schedule in early evening play time and socialization with him because our up all night is not working for me. His bedtime is being readjusted to 11 pm and hopefully we will get back on track.
Let's hope the round mound gets back on track. Mommy needs to sleep more than 1 hour at night...
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Home from vacation and Gunner is not sure about me
During my extended trip Gunner was with the sitter who didn't keep him on a schedule and pretty much babied the tar out of him. He on the other hand would disagree.
So I have my work cut out for me, but not today I am going to kiss him and hug him and then tomorrow we will work on going back to a schedule.
It's good to be home!
So I have my work cut out for me, but not today I am going to kiss him and hug him and then tomorrow we will work on going back to a schedule.
It's good to be home!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
The humans went to the Dog show without me!
Dear Dog Diary:
The humans in the house went to the dog show today wiff out me. They got up really early, I sort of helped them out with that, since I started barking at 530 AM (sniff sniff)... So I hear dem yapping and saying I couldn't go since I am not registered for this show, but in a couple of months we will be taking the big rig and hitting the shows.
If taking the big rig means I have to ride shotgun, there is gonna be trouble. I don't like riding back there wiff the luggage or sumptin...I'm the Prince, shouldn't I get top riding spot?
Mommy did buy me some cool things at the show, but I heard her yapping about my training classes and me having to walk a ramp. NOW wait a minute, no one said nuffin bout no ramp or me going to classes.
Mommy did tell me that my 4 legged Daddy is now a Champion! Woot!! I am sending him a present...speaking of presents...On second look of da things my Mommy bought, it looks like those nasty ropes she uses and a gold chain. Wait a second, I am not MR T!
Back to napping this is too much for me.
The humans in the house went to the dog show today wiff out me. They got up really early, I sort of helped them out with that, since I started barking at 530 AM (sniff sniff)... So I hear dem yapping and saying I couldn't go since I am not registered for this show, but in a couple of months we will be taking the big rig and hitting the shows.
If taking the big rig means I have to ride shotgun, there is gonna be trouble. I don't like riding back there wiff the luggage or sumptin...I'm the Prince, shouldn't I get top riding spot?
Mommy did buy me some cool things at the show, but I heard her yapping about my training classes and me having to walk a ramp. NOW wait a minute, no one said nuffin bout no ramp or me going to classes.
Mommy did tell me that my 4 legged Daddy is now a Champion! Woot!! I am sending him a present...speaking of presents...On second look of da things my Mommy bought, it looks like those nasty ropes she uses and a gold chain. Wait a second, I am not MR T!
Back to napping this is too much for me.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
This is the sleepingest puppy I have ever seen
Gunner is the sleepiest puppy still at almost 5 months old. He brings the toys in his crate, flips his bed over to the rough side and scooches in and goes to sleep... What a awesome puppy and the joy, love and affection he gives.!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday we went Shopping ....
We went for our weekly shopping trip and let's just say Gunner was a bit demanding. At one point I think I heard him say, "fill this up with toys and no one gets hurt"... I could have imagined it, but I don't think so.
Once inside the PetsMart, he was a star. People stopped and petted and played with him, which already swelled his big head anyway.
We picked up a new collar and leash, a few toys to chomp around on, and some nom nom treats (BilJack) overall it was a very productive day. Life as Gunner isn't too bad!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Tuckered out Tuesday...
Gunner and Mommy are staying in today doing some much needed catching up on emails, phone calls and bill paying. However, we will sneak in a little cuddle time and online shopping. Gunner needs a few new things...
Happy Tuesday ... join us virtually for Yappy Hour drinks at 8:00 p.m.
Happy Tuesday ... join us virtually for Yappy Hour drinks at 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
People medicine vs Pet Medicine what's the difference?
I had a cause to use some Immodium AD for my baby last week when he was sick with diarrhea. I generally don't use over the counter meds with the exception of benedryl on occasion with the other furkids... I have raised/showed horses, cows, pigs, rabbits, dogs, birds, turtles and a cat here and there since I was 3 years old. Many home remedies have been used during my 40 plus years and I didn't run to the vet for every little snafu.
Gunner is a change of life baby I think. I am more cautious with him, I am guarded with him, and I am acutely aware he is a 4 legged animal, however, he has restrictions that none of my other animals/mammals had.
When I took him to the vet, she said it was ok for temporary and gave me some stuff to use at home for now and in the future. This sparked a huge debate.
Many argue the medicine doesn't know where it's going. Dr. D was great she didn't say you shouldn't use it, she said temporarily it was ok. I believe she was shocked I would be so concerned, but I revert back to BullDogs are new to me, and I had the
poop scared out of me the day I bought him, even though I slightly researched (LOL)...
So to get an impartial opinion, I called upon my trusty semi-retired spoiled me rotten vet to give it to me straight so I could effectively explain and his response was priceless...
His first sentence of the explanation was "Vet's say not to use human medicine so they can charge you more for rx's that say Pets only"... He was clearly kidding and why I love him so much.
Then he explained as did Dr. D that there is no way of knowing how long "human over the counter medicine" lasts in a pet's system. How you dosed an animal, what is in the medicine that could react to the dog or specific breed (i.e. Australian Shepherds or any Shepherd breed have issues with some Pet Meds too, heart worm pills, blood issues)...
Never give aspirin or pain meds that we take, tylenol, motrin because it messes up their stomachs, so much I learned from Dr. D and my semi retired vet who has spoiled me rotten for 40 plus years...
Using the home remedies I know still work, and I needed to relax, using common sense and having a good dialogue with the Vet is paramount.
So while everyone thinks I am crazy for not wanting to use the over the counter stuff on Gunner, in a pinch I may, but 99% of the time, I will default to the Vet.
I would hate to overdose my baby Gunner.
Gunner is a change of life baby I think. I am more cautious with him, I am guarded with him, and I am acutely aware he is a 4 legged animal, however, he has restrictions that none of my other animals/mammals had.
When I took him to the vet, she said it was ok for temporary and gave me some stuff to use at home for now and in the future. This sparked a huge debate.
Many argue the medicine doesn't know where it's going. Dr. D was great she didn't say you shouldn't use it, she said temporarily it was ok. I believe she was shocked I would be so concerned, but I revert back to BullDogs are new to me, and I had the
So to get an impartial opinion, I called upon my trusty semi-retired spoiled me rotten vet to give it to me straight so I could effectively explain and his response was priceless...
His first sentence of the explanation was "Vet's say not to use human medicine so they can charge you more for rx's that say Pets only"... He was clearly kidding and why I love him so much.
Then he explained as did Dr. D that there is no way of knowing how long "human over the counter medicine" lasts in a pet's system. How you dosed an animal, what is in the medicine that could react to the dog or specific breed (i.e. Australian Shepherds or any Shepherd breed have issues with some Pet Meds too, heart worm pills, blood issues)...
Never give aspirin or pain meds that we take, tylenol, motrin because it messes up their stomachs, so much I learned from Dr. D and my semi retired vet who has spoiled me rotten for 40 plus years...
Using the home remedies I know still work, and I needed to relax, using common sense and having a good dialogue with the Vet is paramount.
So while everyone thinks I am crazy for not wanting to use the over the counter stuff on Gunner, in a pinch I may, but 99% of the time, I will default to the Vet.
I would hate to overdose my baby Gunner.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Puppy safe the house and yard.
In Florida this past week we have had a large amount of consistent rain. This has not set well with my bulldog puppy, it has also not sat well with the bulldog Mommy. All kinds of things are coming out of the wood work.
Today I spent a good amount of time checking the yard specifically for things that could harm the animals. One being frogs, dead or alive. This is a daunting task since we have a few foreclosures around us and the cuban tree frogs breed like rabbits. Also, the wild mushrooms that grow when it rains really bad.
Inside, I decided to double check to make sure no creepy crawlers were inside, wires were not exposed so the little teethers had nothing to gnaw on...Because Gunner man is getting some big teethers in YEAH!!!!
While at it, I put together our Hurricane information packet and pretty much realized I am consumed with this dog.
Safety first I say, but in honesty this was a really good accomplishment. I want to protect my animals as well as prepare for anything that could come up. I feel we will get a hurricane this year and I want to be safe.
Also, I restocked the flashlight batteries and decided to buy a kit this year... Hopefully I am over preparing, but you can never be too careful.!
Today I spent a good amount of time checking the yard specifically for things that could harm the animals. One being frogs, dead or alive. This is a daunting task since we have a few foreclosures around us and the cuban tree frogs breed like rabbits. Also, the wild mushrooms that grow when it rains really bad.
Inside, I decided to double check to make sure no creepy crawlers were inside, wires were not exposed so the little teethers had nothing to gnaw on...Because Gunner man is getting some big teethers in YEAH!!!!
While at it, I put together our Hurricane information packet and pretty much realized I am consumed with this dog.
Safety first I say, but in honesty this was a really good accomplishment. I want to protect my animals as well as prepare for anything that could come up. I feel we will get a hurricane this year and I want to be safe.
Also, I restocked the flashlight batteries and decided to buy a kit this year... Hopefully I am over preparing, but you can never be too careful.!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Gunner the super star... in his mind
Sitting at the Vet, where he should have been feeling ill (faker, flirt, lover of the vets) he was posing as only he does... This was his I'm a super star pose.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
What do you do when your furbaby is sick?
My Gunner is sick again. He never has accidents in the house. He has diarrhea. I have stopped all food and only giving water, I just gave him a half of Imodium AD tablet. He is resting, but we are on 24 hour watch with him until the Vet opens.
I did break down and call the emergency vet, but I hesitate to take him. He has energy, is alert, playing being himself except for the poopies...
What do you do? I have read give him canned pumpkin, but I am not sure.
I hate this!!!
I did break down and call the emergency vet, but I hesitate to take him. He has energy, is alert, playing being himself except for the poopies...
What do you do? I have read give him canned pumpkin, but I am not sure.
I hate this!!!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Gunner survived the sitter...
Gunner's Mommy went away for a few days to visit family out of state. Gunner did ok, but Mommy did not. When the Mom returned he was grown up almost. No more baby whines, no more soft kisses. Plus, I think he liked the sitter better.
Glad to be home to squeeze the little suckers lips!
Glad to be home to squeeze the little suckers lips!
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